T h i r t y S i x

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The first thing he heard was the beeping heart monitor next to him. Steve opened his eyes. Everything was blurry for a few moments. When his eyes focused, he could see the white tiles on the ceiling. The strong stench of sterilizing agents told him that he was in a hospital.

The sound of someone softly snoring next to him made Steve turn his head to the side. Alex was curled up in a chair, her knees pulled tight to her chest. Her red dress hung off of the edge of the chair. The sleeves fell off of her shoulders. Her messy bun had gone and her hair was pulled over one shoulder.

"She's been there all night."

Steve's eyes flickered over to Bucky.

"Romanoff and Wilson are downstairs talking to the cops." He shifted in his seat and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. "What the hell—,"


"No, I don't want to hear it, Steve!"

Alex jumped awake, her hands gripping the arms of the chair she was in. She stood up and straightened her dress.

"Go get me some coffee, kid." Bucky told her. Alex looked to Steve, briefly holding his gaze, before she nodded her head. The Winter Soldier watched as she left the room. "I swear to god, Steve. I will beat your ass if you are even thinking—,"

"Jesus, Bucky. Just stop it." Steve brought his hand up to rub his eyes. "I've got enough on my plate without you giving me crap about her."

"She just keeps hurting you, Steve." Bucky whispered. "I know you love her but she's not good for you, man."

Steve shook his head, his eyes staring at the ceiling.

"She told me to marry her." His voice was quiet and almost hesitant.

"You're kidding. She's not the marriage type. You were in the middle of bleeding out, Rogers. You were probably just hearing things."

"I know. I mean, I don't know but I know she's said before she doesn't want to get married.... But I swear I heard it."

"So you're thinking about going back to her just because she changed her mind? Come on, Rogers. You can't really be that stupid."

"I miss her, Buck." He whispered, his eyes flickering over to him. "When you love someone, getting hurt is part of the deal."

"But not like what she's put you through, Steve." Bucky shook his head and rubbed his eyes.

"She's been through a lot herself. She's only ever done the only things she knows."

"Whatever, Rogers." Bucky stood up and started for the door. "Next time your ass is in trouble, don't expect me to come rescue you."

Steve listened as his heavy steps disappeared down the hallway. A few moments later, Wanda appeared in the doorway.

"How do you feel?" She stepped into the room hesitantly.

"Sore." He answered.

"She's been beating herself up over the whole thing for the last six hours." Wanda took a seat in the chair Bucky had just been sitting in. "I know she's done some shitty stuff to you, Steve.... but I think you should give her one more chance."

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