T w e n t y T h r e e

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"How did he take it?" Steve asked.

"Surprisingly good." Sloane replied, rubbing her palms along the tops of her thighs. "He said he knew something was up. He didn't understand how I was able to give him all the money I had been over the years.... That's the only way he was able to stay here and not go back to California with his family. He.... He wanted to stay here and be all sentimental about where we met. It's kinda cheesy."

"There's nothing wrong with that."

"If you like that kind of stuff."

Silence fell between them for a few moments.

Sloane chewed her bottom lip, looking out of the window of the car as they passed a few cars.

Steve and Sloane were on their way to the airport to catch a flight back to the United States.

"Steve, I have to go see my mom before Connor and Michael show up at her place." She didn't bother to look over to him when she spoke. Her eyes were focused on things out the window.

"Okay. Does that mean we're taking different flights?" Steve asked hesitantly, glancing over to her.

She had been silent since they left Connor's home about twenty minutes ago. Her silence was something Steve didn't like. Sloane was usually always talking or making a joke about something. It wasn't in her nature to be quiet.

"No. You're coming with me."

Steve felt the corners of his lips began to turn up.

"So I'm meeting your mom?"

"I never said that."

"Why are you so against me meeting her, Sloane?" Steve sighed heavily, feeling his heart sink.

"No one's ever met my mom. Not Connor, not Jade, not Charlie, not anyone."

"Who's Charlie?" Steve glanced over to Sloane.

"Who's who?" She met his gaze with her eyebrows raised.

Steve didn't press for any answers about this Charlie.

"That's not an answer, Sloane. You've said before that what we have is different than anything you've had for anyone else. That has to stand for something."

"You're so adorable." Sloane reached over and pinched his cheeks.

"Cut it out, Sloane. I'm driving. And for crying out loud, please put your seatbelt on."

She snickered and did as he requested. Sloane threw her feet up on to the dash and rested her hands on her stomach.

"I feel that.... once you meet a person's parents, you have to do something drastic like get married." Sloane cringed at the 'm' word.

"Marriage isn't drastic."

"It's pointless."

Steve shifted in his seat and gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"Why do you say that?"

"It's a piece of paper that legally states you have super strong feelings for someone and you have the ability to share their money and somewhere along the way kids are squeezed in and if you want a divorce, it's super expensive and I'm super cheap and kinda greedy. Also in divorces, they get to take half your shit and that's so not cool."

"So.... So you'd never want to get married?" Steve asked timidly.

"To you?" Sloane looked over to him when she realized she had been a little rough with her words. Steve still held some of his old values from way back in the 1900s and one of those values was marriage.

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