T h i r t y

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^^^not sure if I put this pic with a chapter yet but I could die just staring at that pic

Just two days after Steve and Alex got promise rings, Alex disappeared from the Tower without a trace.

Well, none of the Avengers knew where she went. Steve knew but he refused to tell and insisted that she hadn't told him.


"Come on, Kieko. You know me.... That's a bunch of bullshit!"

Steve moved around on his bed, the sound of Alex shouting waking him up.

"You're just pissed because Noah never told you about me!.... Yeah, well don't hold that against him! I'm-I don't give a shit! I'm trying to take down the guys who killed him, Kieko. You speak better English than me but if I have to say it in another language to get it through your thick skull, I will.... That wasn't offensive. You just stay in your feelings.... Boo-hoo."

"Alex?" Steve whispered her name, reaching out to touch her but she wasn't in the bed beside him. He lifted his head up, searching the room for the Dahlia.

Alex was standing by the windows, her phone held to her ear.

"Hold on, Steve." She told him. "No, Kieko. I'm not talking to you! Is your-Is your name Steve?.... I just want the damn chip!.... I've talked to dozens of people this morning already and all of them say you've got it!...." Alex sighed in relief, rubbing her forehead. "Just name the time and place and I'll be there.... Are you—Fine. Fine! I'll be there."

Alex pitched her phone on to the bed before she began to take her shirt off. Steve put his hand over his face and turned away.

"What-What are you, um, doing up this early? Yelling on the phone?" Steve asked nervously.

"That girl was Noah's long time on-off girlfriend. I can't stand her." Alex pulled on a hoodie and sat down in the floor to put on her boots. "I've got to go, Steve. You can turn around, dork. I can tell you where and who I'm going to meet with but I can't tell you why until I get back."

He sat up in the bed, pushing the blankets off of himself, and watched as she got ready to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"Botswana." Alex jumped up and picked up her duffle bag. She shoved a few items into it as she spoke. "Kieko Takahashi is the person I'm meeting."

"Is she the one you don't get along with?"

"Whatever made you guess that?" Alex all but rolled her eyes. "I really can't talk much, Steve. I can call you though when I get to the airport after I snag a ticket from someone."

"Let me go with you, Alex. We can take the jet."

"This one's mine." She smiled softly, shaking her head as she kissed his lips. Alex turned and made her way for the door. "Don't worry! I'll pay them back with Euros!"

End Flashback

Four days had passed since she left, three since she last contacted Steve, and he was beginning to worry. However, when the fifth day came, Alex limped out of the elevator, bruised and looking badly beaten.

"Damn, kid." Tony commented, watching as practically everyone ran to her side except for Bucky, Bruce, and himself.

"What the hell happened, Alex?" Steve demanded as he picked her up bridal style. She shook her head, tucking her head underneath his chin and closing her eyes.

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