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Later on that night, Sloane was wide awake while everyone else in the Tower slept.

She was sitting in the corner of the room where the wall met the windows. The city was alive, lights glimmering from Staten Island to the Bronx.

Sloane glanced over to the sleeping form in the bed, smiling softly as Steve shifted around under the blankets.

Her phone lit up next to her, catching her attention. 'M. Turner' was calling.

"Hi, mom." She answered quietly. "It's late. What are you doing up?"

"You know I never sleep, Alex. I just thought I'd call and see what you were doing."

"Watching someone sleep."

"Is it you know who?"

"Yes." Sloane smiled just slightly.

"Why aren't you sleeping too?"

"I guess I'm still used to four hours max. I like watching him sleep though." She thought out loud. "He doesn't look so stressed when he's sleeping."

"Have you even tried to sleep, Alex?"

".... No. But there's no point to it if I'm just going to lay there and stare at nothing."

"Well from the sounds of it you're staring at what's-his-name. Steve, I think. I still need to meet him."

"You aren't meeting him, mom." Sloane brushed her fingers through her hair. "I've already told you that so many times."

"Why can't I meet him, Alexa? He sounds like a good man and he wants what's best for you. If you trust him enough to let him know that you're you know who, why can't I meet him?"

"Because I said–.... I never told you what he knew about me."

"Are you sure? I swear you did."

"No. I don't tell you things like that."

"Alexa Jane, I'm your mother. You should tell me—,"

"How did he contact you?" Sloane cut Mia off as she rubbed her eyes. How was she going to handle this kind of thing?

"I called and he answered."

Sloane cursed under her breath, feeling anger begin to boil in her veins.

"I'm glad he did, Alex. I wanted to talk to him—,"

"I don't want you talking to him—,"

"Cut me off one more time, Alexa, and I will beat your ass next time I see you."

Sloane was silenced by Mia's mom voice.

"Don't get mad at him, Alex. I liked talking to him."

"I have to go, mom."

"Alex." Mia sighed out. "Just don't do anything stupid."

"Well we can always count on me doing something stupid. I do take after my father. Love you, mom."

After Sloane hung up, she put her phone down and sat criss cross against the corner of the wall.

What did Steve and her mother talk about? When did he answer her phone? How many times before had he answered calls from her phones? Could Mia have given information to Steve that would compromise her location? No. It was not likely. Mia had been married to Benny for years and years. She knew when to draw the line.

But what made Steve think he had a right to answer Sloane's phone?


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