E l e v e n

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Steve took Sloane out to the balcony, which was strictly off limits at parties.

"Teach me to dance."


"I don't want you to have a bad time while you're here at the Tower, Sloane. Come on." Steve pleaded, his blue eyes shimmering lightly.

Sloane bit the inside of her lips, looking out at the dark sky.


"Where did you learn to dance?" Steve asked.

"It's going to look like this." Sloane moved her feet according to the count in her head.

She then took his hand and placed her other one on his shoulder.

"Put her hand just under my arm." She instructed. "Straighten your arms and put your shoulders down."

Steve do as he was told, squinting his brows together as he tried to figure out how he was suppose to stand.

"When did you start dancing?" His eyes looked up to meet Sloane's for a split second before he looked back down to watch his feet. He ended up stepping on her toes. "Shit. My-My bad."

"It's okay. Keep your eyes on mine. Don't look at your feet."

Steve nodded his head and looked up. A little, dorky smile came to his lips as he met her gaze.

"How'd you learn?"

Sloane sighed out, but replied.

"My mom put me and my sister in dancing classes when we were little."

"I didn't know you had a sister."

"There's a lot you don't know about me."

Steve fell silent, focusing on not stepping on Sloane's toes.


"How much did you guys let me drink last night?" Clint grumbled as he poured coffee into a mug.

"Two glasses of rum and coke, four straight tequila shots, and I don't know how many daiquiris." Natasha replied.

"And I think you, Thor, and Stark had flaming sambuca shots." Wanda added.

"I told you guys not to let me get into that damn rum." Clint groaned and rubbed his face.

"Hey, I wasn't going to stop you." Sam held his hands up as he chuckled softly. "You were dancing all around. It was funny. Think I got it on video too."

"Guys, take a look at this." Bruce gestured to the television with the remote.

"$4 million dollars worth of art was stollen from the gallery last night, right under the mighty Avengers' noses. While they were mingling and having fun, someone was—,"

"Go get Sloane, Wanda." Natasha didn't even give the tv time to finish.

"You don't think she stole those paintings, do you?" Steve questioned, looking around at his teammates.

"She's a thief, Cap." Clint mumbled as he brought his coffee cup up to his lips. "It's in her nature."

"I don't think she'd do that—,"

"Come on, Rogers." Tony cut him off. "Just cause you've got a crush on her doesn't mean you can bypass her actions. I mean, the girl's crazy and she's unpredictable. I understand you like her and I'm sorry, but you haven't known her long enough to say that she would do this or not, man."

Steve held Tony's gaze for a few moments before Bucky spoke.

"Just talk to her and see her side of the story."

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