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None of the Avengers heard back from Sloane for about three weeks.

They were curious as to what she would do now that her brother was dead.

Tony tracked the earbud she was using and had shoved into her pocket. The last known address she was at was an apartment complex in Dover, but the earpiece died shortly after he received those coordinates.

Steve was the only Avenger to go see Sloane. He wanted to check on her and make sure she was okay.

Bucky and Natasha had tried to talk him out of it, but Steve refused. Then when they tried to go with him, he wouldn't allow it.

The only problem with the coordinates was he didn't know where exactly she was. The Red Dahlia could've been in any of the forty apartments in the building.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" He caught the attention of an elderly woman just leaving her apartment. "I'm looking for someone. She has dark curly hair and she's about this tall." He held his hand at chest level. "And she has tattoos on her arms. Do you, by chance, know if she lives here?"

"You're talking about Melanie?" The woman asked.

"Yes, ma'am. Could you tell me which apartment is hers? I'm a friend and I just want to check up on her."

Steve knew Sloane was keeping her real name from them, so perhaps this Melanie was the mysterious woman he was looking for.

"Melanie lives two doors down from me. She has a brother too. Mikey. They're both very sweet, but they're always gone so I'm not sure if she'll answer."

"Thank you, ma'am." Steve nodded his head once and then went to the apartment he was told.

He knocked on the door three times, but received no answer.

The door was locked, so there was no way he was getting in without breaking in.


Steve went outside and climbed up the fire escape. He made it to the window of Sloane's apartment, then he opened it.

Once he was inside of the apartment, he closed the window and began to look around.

Everything was surprisingly neat. It actually didn't even look like anyone would live in the apartment.

As he traveled back to the bedrooms, he passed one with an open door and peaked in.

The bed was made, the pillows in their correct places.

Entering the room hesitantly, Steve opened the closet and found a duffle bag. Beside the duffle bag was a small, old box.

Curiously, Steve picked up the box and opened it.

There were numerous passports, IDs, and badges for all kinds of governments all over the world.

"So you're the kind of guy who goes through a woman's things?"

Steve looked up to see Sloane standing in the doorway of the room.

"I came to check up on you." Steve closed the chest and tapped his fingers against it for a moment.

"How did you even find me?" She took the box from him and put it in the closet, making a mental note to hide it elsewhere when he left.

"Stark tracked the earpiece you had."

"I busted that thing two days ago." She turned and left the room. Steve promptly followed her.

"It's last coordinates led to this place. So.... How are you doing?"

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