T w e n t y F o u r

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"Come have a seat, Steve." Mia eagerly patted the sofa beside her. Consequently, this put Mia in between Steve and Sloane.

Sloane didn't know how she liked her mother putting herself between her and Steve but she knew that if she objected to it, she would be scolded like a kid.

"You're such a sweet boy, Steve. My Noah was a big fan of yours, especially when he was a little kid." Mia picked up one of the pictures on her coffee table and ran her finger over the man between two girls. "I'm sure Alex has told you about Summer and Noah."

"Summer....?" Steve repeated, looking to Sloane questioningly.

"Summer was her birthname. Noah and me called her Sonny." Sloane explained. "And I did, mom. There's no reason to talk about them."

Mia turned and smacked Sloane in the arm.

"There is always a reason to talk about your brother and sister. Just because you don't believe in the afterlife doesn't mean we can't talk about them."

"That has absolutely no reason with why I don't want to talk about them." Sloane muttered, rubbing her arm absentmindedly.

"Anyways, both of my girls took dance classes and I was going to have Noah take a few but Benny thought it would be ridiculous but I didn't think so...."


Mia spent the next four hours filling Steve with seemingly boring and useless information on the Turner children and what the family was like before the business took over. Sloane didn't think he would want to sit and listen to her mother talk and talk and talk, but he did and not for one second did he show anything other than interest in Sloane's family.

The Red Dahlia, however, couldn't sit there for four hours so half way through it, she fell asleep.

Mia excused herself to go refill hers and Steve's coffee cups.

Steve watched Sloane as she shifted on the opposite end of the sofa. The Rottweiler was cuddled up behind her knees, its head rested on her hip. Steve smiled softly at the peaceful expression on her face.

"Never thought something so beautiful could hurt so bad, huh?"

Steve didn't realize Mia had entered the living room again. He looked over his shoulder and watched as she walked around to sit on the recliner. Mia handed Steve his coffee and held her own mug with both hands as she brought her attention to her daughter.

"She's carefree and wild, makes you feel like there's nothing that can take away the high that she makes you feel." Mia paused for a moment, tearing her eyes away from Sloane to look to Steve. "But she breaks your heart, doesn't she?"

"Has she told you about what happened?" Steve asked quietly, glancing down to his coffee. He didn't know how much Sloane had shared with her mother and he didn't want to say too much.

"It doesn't matter if she did or if she didn't. You need to let her know that what she does hurts you. She's a Turner and they've got freaking concrete for skulls. You have to practically shout something to them to get them to notice."

"Is she that much like her father?" Steve asked quietly.

"Just personality-wise. But if you're worried about her father and all the shit he's done and the stuff he's made her do, don't. She isn't as bad as he is."

Steve nodded his head softly.

"She loves her daddy, Steve." Mia started to rock back and forth gently in her chair. "But she knows where to draw the line."

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