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About eight minutes after Sloane requested time alone to talk on the phone, she emerged from the elevator.

"So Sloane? What's your real name?" Tony asked from his place on the sofa next to Natasha.

"I dunno. I forgot it. Ya know, gotta keep up the whole fake name, fake life, fake everything."

"Are you American?" Sam asked. "Or is your accent fake like Romanoff's?"

Sam's words earned him a kick to the feet from Natasha.

"I'm actually a dinosaur." Sloane replied, but then clapped her hands together. "Dude, guys! What if the meteor that killed the dinosaurs brought humans to earth?"

Everyone was silent, taking in her words for a few moments.

"She has a point."

"Come on, Barton." Steve rolled his eyes.

"New conspiracy theory." Sloane put her hands into the air. "We're all aliens and we're from Mars but because we've adapted to life here on Earth, we can't go back home to Mars."

"She's making my head hurt." Bruce rubbed his temples as he sighed out.

"Did you tell her about all of us going to the Compound, Rogers?" Tony asked Steve.

"Yeah. She's okay with staying here."

"That's not what concerns me. What does is if I am okay with her staying here."

"Come on, Stark." Sloane leaned against the bar as she looked to him. "Are you afraid I'll find the pornos you have hidden under your bed like a teenage boy?"

"No, I'm not—When the hell were you in my room!"

"Just a good guess." She smirked. "I've been through plenty of rich men's bedrooms. It's not hard to find where they hide their stuff. I'll make sure to leave you a couple hundred dollars to your name."

"Rogers, I swear to—,"

"Sloane." Steve cut Tony off and looked over to her. "You aren't stealing anything while we're gone. Got it?"

"Crack that whip, man." Sam teased and Bucky snickered.

"Fine. What else do you want me to do while you're gone, baby? Want me to be a good puppy and—,"

"Quit messing with the old man before you give him a heart attack or make me vomit." Clint grumbled.

The subject changed and Sloane moved to sit on the bar, swinging her legs back and forth as she shined her red laser pointer on to Thor.

Steve got up from one of the sofas and moved to lean against the counter beside Sloane.

"You won't do anything wrong while I'm gone, will you?" He asked quietly.

"Wrong like steal from old people or wrong like go mess with Stark some more?"

"Both. Don't steal anything and give them anymore of a reason to not like you. They're trying, they really are but you aren't helping the situation."

"Well that sounds like a personal problem for them." Sloane put her laser away and stuffed her hands into her pockets as she met Steve's gaze.

"Please." He gave her the puppy eyes he knew worked on nearly anyone.

Sloane brought her hand up to her mouth, eyes wandering around the room.

"What do I get if I behave?" She teased softly.

"You can get whatever you want, Princess." The corner of Steve's lips turned up in a soft smile. "I could take you out for dinner or we could go do whatever it is you like to do for fun."

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