T w e n t y

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After the percussion grenades wore off, the Avengers were left with bad headaches and no Bucky Barnes.

"Hill's on her way with a jet for us." Steve announced to the team. "She's given us coordinates to a safe house. Said that it would be wise to use it since we were personally targeted."

"Who was that man with Jakande?" Natasha questioned, her eyes glued to the side of Sloane's head.

The Red Dahlia was sitting on the arm of the sofa next to Wanda. She wasn't paying attention to anything.

"We'll talk later." Steve replied softly. "Everyone's in shock. Get your overnight bags and be back up here as soon as possible. We need to reassemble at this safe house and figure out how we're going to find Bucky."

"Is she going with us?" Sam nodded to Sloane but spoke quietly.

"Of course."

"She can't come and go anymore, Steve." Natasha told him. "She has to stay or she can't come back. The safe house has to remain confidential for however long we use it—,"

"She's staying with me and that's final." Steve cut her off firmly.

Sloane brought her eyes down to the tattoos on her forearm. She had taken off her cargo jacket and placed it on one of the barstools.


The Avengers were silent after talking about Sloane.

When Maria Hill arrived with the jet, the heroes and thief got on to the jet and they were off for a safe house in Oregon.

The safe house was a large two story cabin in the middle of the woods. The yard was big enough to park the jet.

Sloane silently followed the Avengers inside.

The team seemed to melt on to the sofas and chairs, closing their eyes for a few moments to think about what had happened earlier in the morning.

Sloane went to the front windows and gazed out of them, her fingers pressed to her lips.

"You knew the man with Jakande, Sloane." Clint stated.

She didn't hear him. Her mind was in a completely different realm.

"Sloane." Steve said her name softly.

She lifted her head and looked in his direction.

"Barton was talking to you."

"Who was the guy who seemed so concerned about your wellbeing when Jakande wanted to blow your brains out?"

"Nice, Stark." Natasha rolled her eyes at him.

"Someone I know." Sloane replied.

"No shit. I got that much—,"

"They attacked our Tower, Sloane." Wanda cut Tony off. She knew how upset he was about the Tower taking a few bombs. "They took Bucky and they're going to do awful things to him. Could that man lead us to Bucky?"


"How can you be so sure?" Steve moved to stand closer to Sloane."

"Because he's my father."

It was like all of the care she ever had about maintaining her identity vanished. She no longer cared if Steve knew who her father was or if he knew things about her that no one else knew.

Silence fell around the room as the Avengers took in her words. They weren't expecting her to pull the dad card.

"Why is he working for Jakande? I thought Jakande put him—,"

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