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"I can't stay, Steve." Sloane told him as she met his gaze briefly.

"I thought you were going to stay here for a while."

"I told you before, it wasn't safe for you." She moved to sit on the edge of the table, looking down at the watch around her wrist.

"Then it can't be safe for you." Steve moved to lean against the table beside her.

"It's safer for me to go alone than it is to be here with you."

Steve was silent for a few moments.

"If you go, just tell me how you're doing." His words were a hushed whisper.

Sloane nodded her head softly.

"I'm going to get my stuff from the hotel I'm checked into and then I'm going to head to Europe." She got up and started to go towards the door.

"What are you going to do there?"

"If I told you, you'd be an accessory to whatever criminal acts I happen to do." She held her hands up as she took a few steps back.

The corners of his lips turned up a little as he watched her.

"Don't get into too much trouble."

"No can do, old man." She pressed the ground floor button and met his gaze. She gave him a tiny smile and then stepped into the elevator.

Sloane gave him a little wave as the doors shut and Steve sighed out.


"Give it to me!"


Sloane was fighting a man on the floor of his apartment. She had his arm pulled up between her legs, her feet pushing against his shoulders.

"Give it!" She demanded, adamant on retrieving her target from him.


Someone's phone rang and all fighting ceased.

"It's not me." The man grunted from where he was trying to get out of her grip.

"It's me. Give me a sec." Without letting him go, Sloane pulled her phone out and answered the call. "Who is this?"

She then continued to try to pry the man's hand open and when she realized it wouldn't work, she bit the underside of his thumb.

"It's me." Steve spoke.

"Ouch! Bitch!" The man cried out.

"It's mine!" She growled, letting him go as she rolled away from him. Her phone was held up to her ear as she watched the man. "Who's me?"

"Steve Rogers."

"Now's a bad time, sweetheart. I'm kind of busy."

"I told you to keep me posted and you haven't called since you left the Tower two weeks ago."

The man got up and sprinted for the door, but she followed him and tossed herself against the door as he tried to open it.

The man threw a punch for her face. She ducked just in time and he hit the door. The taser in her jacket was pulled out. She touched his thigh with it.

The man stiffened up and fell backwards, jerking around a little.

"I'm busy, sweetheart." Sloane sighed out as she tucked her phone between her shoulder and ear. Then, she reached down, grabbed the man's wrists, and began to drag him away from the door.

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