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Steve honestly didn't know why the Avengers were taking down the HYDRA compound outside of Tashkent. He only knew Sloane wasn't answering his calls anymore and he didn't have much information to go by.

She called him a few hours ago requesting that he tip off Interpol about the Red Dahlia's whereabouts. He hadn't done that, but he had made his way to Tashkent.

The majority of the fighting was happening on the main floor upstairs and outside. Steve was in the basement of the building, searching for the infamous Red Dahlia, who was probably looking for information or something.

The lighting in the basement of the compound was poor and the Captain had to use a flashlight.

He twisted a doorknob but found that it was locked. That was quickly fixed when he used his body weight to take the door out, barreling into it like a human battering ram.

Coming to a stop inside of the room, Steve saw a desk in the far corner and someone hanging from shackles. It was Sloane.

He hurried to her side, placing his shield on his back as he felt for a pulse on her neck. It was weak, but she was alive.

"Sloane? Sloane, hey?" He cupped her jaw and tilted her head up.

Her eyes fluttered open just a bit and when she caught sight of Steve, she chuckled.

"Heya, Cap."

"Hi, Sloane. What did you get yourself into, doll?" He reached up and pulled at the long chain holding her wrists up. It snapped under his weight and she collapsed into his arms.

"I had some fun. Wait. Hey! Why'd you do that? I thought you were a bondage type of guy."

He sighed but said nothing to provoke her to continue with the topic.

"What did they do to you? How bad are you hurt?"

"I'm perfectly fine. But go away. Don't take me."


"I'm working."

"You can't even stand."

Sloane closed her eyes, resting her cheek against his chest. She was exhausted. Having had no sleep in the last week, what she went through could have been the end of her life.

"Sloane? Come on, keep those eyes open, doll."

She went limp in his arms and Steve almost panicked.

"Alright, guys. I have her." He spoke into his earpiece as he scooped her up into his arms. "We can head out now. I just need someone to come clear the way for me."

"I'm on it, Cap." Clint replied.


"She's taken quite the beating." Bruce commented softly as he looked at the monitor connected to Sloane. It read her stats, telling the Avengers her heart rate, blood pressure, and other important health information.

"But she'll be okay, won't she?" Wanda asked quietly.

"She should be." The doctor nodded his head.

Steve watched from a few feet away, his arms crossed and his eyes set on the thief.

Bruises and a few cuts littered the skin that showed on her face and arms. Dark, raw, and angry bruises circled her wrists from where she had been hanging from the ceiling. Her chest was rising and falling, but only softly.

"And Stark said he couldn't find her jacket anywhere?" The Captain glanced over to Natasha.

"As soon as HYDRA evacuated, we looked all around for her magical jacket." Natasha shook her head gently. "Couldn't find it anywhere."

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