T w e n t y T w o

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"I don't know how he'll feel with me just showing up." Sloane shook her hands out nervously.

"I'll help you if anything goes wrong." Steve assured her. He could see how anxious she was about the situation at hand.

"This is his." Sloane pointed to a driveway they were approaching.

Steve nodded his head and turned on the right turn signal. He had tried letting Sloane drive but her skills on the road reflected her spontaneous and reckless attitude. Steve didn't need to have a heart attack from her driving so he decided he would drive instead.

"Does dad know about them?" Sloane asked.

Steve glanced over to her before returning his gaze to the driveway.

"I don't know."

She rubbed her eyes and brushed her curly hair back.

"I need to call him. I have to talk to him and see where the hell his mind is."

"Just don't do anything that will get you in trouble."

Sloane smirked mischievously, her eyes finding Steve's.

"Why do you always say that?"

"Because I know you and you like trouble." He replied with a light smile.

"Yes I do." Sloane bit the inside of her cheek.

The house Connor had was made of beautiful tan stones. It had numerous windows and there were green vines growing along the siding of the house.

"They have a dog?" Steve asked, taking note to the yellow lab that was coming towards their car.

"Her name is Gertrude. She's Connor's." Sloane unbuckled and took a deep breath. "Remember, they know me as Genevieve or Gen."

Steve nodded his head and watched as she got out of the car. He didn't know how prepared he was to meet this Connor that he knew so little about. He also didn't know how he felt about meeting her son.

Sloane rubbed Gertrude's head and then began to make her way to the front door.

Steve followed her, smiling softly at the dog.

The door opened to reveal a boy who looked no older than his pre-teens. He had dark curly hair that rested on the top of his head. His eyes were the same piercing blue that Sloane had.

"Gen! It's weird seeing you." The boy shifted his gaze to Steve and his eyes widened at least four times their normal size. "Holy crap! You're-,"

"Michael, shhh." Sloane cut him off. "You can talk with him but I need to see your dad."

"Michael, who's at the—," A man stopped behind Michael and he fell silent upon seeing Sloane. "What are you doing here, Genevieve?"

"It's important." She replied, glancing to Steve out of the corner of her eyes. "Can we come in, Connor?"

Connor looked to Steve and nodded his head hesitantly.

"Of course."

"I forgot to mention Michael is kind of obsessed with you and your team." Sloane whispered to Steve as they entered the house.

"Michael, why don't you go outside with Gertrude?" Connor suggested.

"But dad!"

"Michael." Connor narrowed his eyes at the boy.

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