T w e n t y F i v e

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Sloane threw her jacket down on the cot Bucky used, then she sat down heavily on the edge of her bed and brushed her hands over her face.

"You never told me about Charlie." Steve spoke from the door. He left it cracked so that Bucky knew he was allowed to come to bed if he wanted to.

Sloane stood up, shaking out her hands, and started to shuffle through the pockets of her jacket.

"There was no point in it."

"You two were real."

"What? I'm always real."

Steve rolled his eyes gently and watched her.

"You loved her."

Sloane's phone slipped from her hands and landed on the floor with an echoing thump.

"Shit, Rogers. Give a girl a warning before using that word."

"What word? Love?"

Sloane picked her phone up and brushed her hair back out of her eyes.

"She said that you always ran from her when she tried to take the next step."

"There's no point in taking the next step when things are going good the way they are."

"So you want to be stuck in one continuous lifestyle for the rest of your life?"

"Yeah. Pretty much." She nodded her head as she scrolled through the contacts on her phone. "I don't like change. It makes me feel things."

"You tried to run from me in the beginning." Steve bit the inside of his cheek for a moment. "But you came back and.... and you stayed."

Sloane lifted her gaze up and locked eyes with him.


"And I.... I know who you are.... who your parents are, who your family is—,"

"What's your point, Rogers?" Sloane cut him off. This subject was making her itch to leave the room.

"We're serious, right? I'm not doing anything to make you stay, am I?" He spoke quietly. "You want this just as much as I do, right?"

Sloane put her phone on the edge of the bed and moved to stand in front of Steve.

"You're problem is that you think too much." She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. "Sometimes it helps just to feel."

"Just feeling doesn't help my nerves." Steve slipped his hands down her arms. "M'worried still that I'm gonna wake up without you one day."

"I won't leave without telling you. I promise."

"God, you make me want to puke." Bucky grumbled as he entered the room without a warning.

"Thanks for knocking, Buck." Steve let his arms fall to his sides while Sloane continued to hold on to him.

"No problem, Rogers. Is this your shit, kid?" Bucky picket up Sloane's jacket and looked to her.

"I mean, I think Steve can squeeze into it if he tried really hard."

"You're not funny." Bucky chucked the jacket at her face then laid down on it and put one arm over his face. "Don't do any nasty shit with me in here."

"You're such a buzz kill, Barnes." Sloane threw her jacket on to the floor and sat back down on the edge of the bed she would be sharing with Steve. "I have to make a call."

"Okay." Steve crinkled his brows as he looked at her. "Are you going to leave? Or do you care if we listen to it?"

"I'm not leaving." Bucky stated bluntly.

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