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I sigh as the bell to fourth period rings signalling it is finallylunch. I stand up from my seat and follow my classmates out into the crowded hallways.

Finding my way to my locker where Isabell is waiting for me. I smile at her as I stuff my stuff into my locker and turn towards her.

"Matthew alert," She whispers looking behind me as Matthew casually walks past us ignoring my presence. I shrug and follow her out to the field by the trees where our group of mutual friends have gathered.

Matthew and some guys from the football team playing a game of football. I didn't bother to watch, it'd hurt to bad if I did. I keep my gaze on Isabell as she watches the boys playing football.

"Bella, ayyee." I hear a familiar voice say behind me, turning towards him, smiling. "Sup Kevin," I greet him as he pulls me into a hug.

"Gotta go, soccer game." He laughs nodding his head at the boys starting a game of soccer further down the field giving the football boys enough room to play they're game.

"Matt is actually really cute." Isabell says looking over at me. I shrug. I've never really looked at him that way. Its weird. Especially now.

"Yeah I suppose." I say leaning against a tree as the football hits one of the boys hands bouncing off falling right at my feet.

"Arabella, pass me the ball, yeah?" One of the boys asks smiling. I shrug bending down and picking the ball up. Putting my fingers on it and throwing it to him with a perfect spiral.

"Shit, where'd you learn to throw from?" He asks laughing. I go to speak but someone beats me to it.

"Matthew! He taught her how to play football," Isabell answers for me. My cheeks flushing and I close my eyes.

I felt embarrassed. I know Matthew was feeling the exact same at this point. "Oh yeah, I forgot you guys had a thing." Aaron replies.

I mentally cringe. "We didn't have a thingwe were just really close friends." I reply opening my eyes and watching as Aaron watches over me.

I look over at Matthew and he looks emotionless. "Yeah, whatever you say." Aaron laughs smiling a goofy smile, directing it towards me.

I roll my eyes groaning. "Aaron, it's the past. Drop it." Matthew finally snaps glancing at me before directing his attention to Aaron who had completely stopped the football game.

"Matt chill, just messing with you and Arabella. That's always fun." Aaron says throwing the football towards Matthew as he approaches me.

"So, since you guys were such good friends. Mind telling me what drove you guys apart?" He asks leaning on the tree that I'm currently leaning on.

His arm brushing on mine with the slightest movement. I grin standing up straight looking at him. "Guess what?" I say a smirk crossing my face as he simply asks what?

"I don't recall."

He gives me a blank stare and rolls his eyes knowing exactly where I got that from. "Just tell me, you trust me." He explains.

I raise an eyebrow. "I don't trust anyone besides Isabell." I say glancing at Isabell as she frustratedly types on her gold iPhone 5s.

"You trust Matt." He says standing up straight and crossing his arms over his chest.

"No I don't, I did." I correct him. "Why are you so interested in what happened between me and Matthew anyways?" I finally ask. Matthew's name sounding so wrong and foul.

I act as if his name is a bad word and is terrible to say. "I'm not. I'm just trying to figure you out. That's all." He smiles cockily.

"Have fun trying." I say dismissing the conversation grabbing Isabell's arm and pulling her to the other side of the field. Her still angrily typing on her phone.

"Why so mad?" I ask her softly as I take a seat on a bench that happened to be near. "James is being a butthole." She sighs sitting across from me.

"How so?" I ask but I didn't really pay attention to her response, she needed to vent and I wasn't listening.

I had an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach as the memories of Matthew and I's past friendship.

The good and the bad. Going to where it all ended and we're left avoiding each other at all costs. Yet our friendship was still the daily topic between everyone.

Including myself. Once Isabell went silent I came back to reality shaking my head a bit as I blocked out the memories knowing if I over thought it I'd be a mess once again.

I didn't need that at all. "Ignore him for a while. He'll come to his senses." I say recalling bits and pieces of her speech on how he reads her iMessage texts but doesn't reply.

She sighs and stuffs her phone into the pocket of her white and black Hollister hoodie. "I guess that'll work. I just wish he knew how much he means to me." She says sadly looking at me with a sad expression.

"Well he won't know until you tell him." I say nodding my head. She sighs but nods.

"Yeah I know. But its hard to explain your love for someone."

"I know Bells. But you know what? You just need to keep your mind off of him for a while." I say blinking repeatedly.

"Its hard to think about anything else but him.. Have you ever felt like this?" She gushes exasperated.

I shake my head. "Not exactly. But I do know what its like to have someone on your mind all the time." I say as the bell rings. I stand up slinging my backpack over my shoulder as I walk to History with Isabell.

Her rambling on about the little things James does for her. I listened intently as she rambled on.

They were cute, just had a really disfunctional relationship. Entering the room seeing my history teacher smiling. I take my seat next to Isabell as Matthew walks in sitting at the table behind me.

Which was weird because he never sits there. I lean back in my chair laying my bag on the desk and pulling out my history notebook and my favorite pencil.

Jotting down the notes onto a piece of paper as my teacher rambled on about god knows what.

I hate history the most out of all my glasses. Its just old news. See what I did there? No? Okay.





I drop my bag onto my computer chair falling backwards onto my bed holding my phone up as I went onto twitter seeing my followers increasing incredibly by the second.

I open my mentions and its all stuff asking me about Matthew and why did he randomly follow me.

Herefollowedme? Wow.

Yeah our fight was so bad we unfollowed each other on every social media site. Yeah that's when you know its serious.

I debate on whether to refollow him, deciding against it. I don't even understand why he would follow me again.

I didn't want him in my life. Who am I kidding, I miss my best friend. But I know that we will never be friends again.

We probably wouldn't able to stand being civil with each other.

But I couldn't help but wonder if he refollowed me is like a way of showing he maybe wants to make amends? Yeah probably not.

I sigh letting my phone fall onto my stomach and closing my eyes as the memories flashed of our fight.

The one where I lost him. The one where I not only lost one of the most important people to me, but I lost all confidence and it ruined me.

I changed incredibly since that fight. I had to. I had to better myself because I didn't want anybody to realise I was broken and had so many problems.

I was a problem and the only way to make it better was to fix it. So I did the best I could and changed myself.

He bettered me and ruined me all at the same time.

He ruined me for the better.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now