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"So, I'm guessing Cameron is mad at me," Matthew comments as he hands me my hot chocolate. "I told you they would get personal." He tells me and I nod my head.

"I'd say he is, but I can make it better." I say shrugging my shoulders as I lean against Matthew's headboard. "How so?" He asks and I lift my phone up, dialing Cameron's number.

Once Cameron answers, I put him on speaker. "Hey, Cam." I smile as Matthew watches my every move. "Hey, Bella." He says, I can hear the smile in his voice.

"So I was thinking," He says before I could even speak two more words, I smile knowing whatever he says will be good.

"You should come out here to California with Nash and I for like the week." He explains and I sigh. "I don't know if my mom would let me, though." I say and I hear him laugh.

"You're mom will let you if I talk to her, I'm pretty good with the ladies." He says and I smile, laughing a bit.

"Yeah, I guess. You don't work on me though so you're tripping." I say and he laughs.

"Damn! I thought I was getting somewhere!" He exclaims. I roll my eyes and laugh. "No but seriously, you should."

"I don't know. I don't think Nash would be to happy about that," I comment and Cameron groans.

I think it'd just be really awkward considering we both remember that night clear as day, and I'm pretty damn sure he'd have me feeling extremely guilty for keeping that big of a secret to myself.

But then again, it wouldn't kill anybody. Plus, he'd have to get over himself because it was a one night thing and I'm not interested in telling anyone. I don't need people asking me to rate him in bed, either. But he'd defiantly be a eight in a half. But he was my first so I can't rate him. Hmm.

"So? I'm inviting you so he can get over himself if he doesn't like it. Its my choice not his." He says flatly and I roll my eyes.

"Gotta better excuse?" I ask him.

"Stop it. Just come and have fun." He says. I can feel Matthew just staring at me and watching my every move. So I just sat there and enjoyed talking to Cameron, as if he wasn't even there.

"Hey, Cam. Are you mad at Matthew?" I ask softly, changing the subject, not that i felt the need to but I'm sure Matthew is really upset about it, mentally. The line falls silent for a few seconds.

"No, I just got mad because that isn't right. No matter how mad you get you can't say that to a girl, especially if they're already insecure."

"Thank the lord." Matthew sighs rubbing his hands over his face. "I didn't mean to say what I did to her,"

I lift my leg up and place my foot on Matthew's shoulder which just earned a glare from him.

"Its cool dude. Just don't do it again, or I'll chop your tongue off." Cameron says seriously and I laugh shaking my head.

"Let's get back to the questions, shall we?" Cameron asks and I sigh. I don't wanna let them know anything more, but then again they seem really trust worthy. But Matthew taught me not to trust anyone, no matter how long you know them.

"Sureeee." I reply before we all bid our goodbyes and I open the group chat again.

Arabella; I'm back :D So let's play ;)

It takes a few moment before the replies come in. I feel like asking them questions, because I feel like if I keep letting them ask me more questions it'll just lead to them finding about my whole past and I don't want anybody to know that.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now