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July 7th, 2014

"Happy birthday Matt,' I smile as he lays back down on the bed, it's currently midnight and now Matt's birthday.

"Thanks," He says squinting his eyes at his phone as he receives a ton of notifications. "We should go do something?"

"Like what?"

"Let's go the beach, because why not?" He grins. "We can sleep on the beach,"

"Sureeee." I say standing up from my bed. "Well get up," I say as I open my suitcase, grabbing an outfit to wear. He jumps up off the bed and opens hjis suitcase, grabbing a pair of swim trunks and a pair of sweats.

"Who's all coming with?" I ask as I slip on a pair of gray spandex shorts. Pulling on a white tank top then one of Matt's sweaters.

"Just us unless you want one of the boys to come along." He explains as he changes into his swim trunks. I shrug putting a pair of thick gray leggings in my purse before pulling on my white sandals that strap up my ankles.

"Why aren't you bringing Madison? You two are a thing." I say folding up my blanket on my bed.

"We're not a thing." He laughs shaking his head at me. "But I could bring her if you want."

I glare at him, making him laugh at me. "I'm kidding."

"Yeah, whatever." I say rolling my eyes as I take my phone off of the charter and put it in my purse.

"You ready?" He asks a few moments later, taking the blankets into his arms. I nod and follow him downstairs.

"We're gonna camp on the beach, we'll see you guys in the morning." Matthew says, smiling at them. They all look between us.

"Uhm, excuse me mister, but you better not make any moves on her." Cameron says smiling but his voice coming out serious.

"Don't worr-" Matt's cut off by Carter hitting Cam on the shoulder.

"Bro, if they wanna have sex on the beach, letem'." Carter tells Cameron. Cameron just shrugs and rolls his eyes.

"We're not going to do that, I do have respect for her." Matt says rolling his eyes.

Why is everyone rolling their eyes? Weirdos.

"Let's go," I laugh pushing on Matt's back. I wave to the boys as we leave, getting into Cameron's car that he never drives anymore.

He always has someone else drive him around.

"We're so going swimming." Matt smirks as he starts driving.

"Yeah, okay."





"MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA!" I scream at him as he splashes me with the ice cold water. Making him laugh.

Then out of no where, a few girls come running into the water, in all their clothes. Screaming Matt's name.

Why are there fans out here at one in the morning?

Well probably for the same reason why Matthew and I are out here at one AM.

Matt kindly got out of the water, telling them they need to get some towels so they don't freeze.

He's so sweet to his fans.

"Matt, I'll be over here." I call out to him as I walk over to where our stuff is, by the pier.

After drying off, I pulled on my sweats and Matt's sweater before sitting on the blankets.

After about twenty minutes Matt came running over, wrapped in a towel. "They were so nice, gosh I love meeting my fans." He beams as he changes into sweats and a sweater like I did.

"Yeah, they're so nice." I smile laying down, Matt pulling me into his chest as he pulls the blanket over us. "You're warmmmm." I smile into his chest.

"And you're cold." He laughs rubbing my back. "I'm really glad you aren't mad at me for saying what I said... It was way out of line to say that I'm even talking to Madison more than an a friend. Because the only girl I want is, you."

Not even gonna lie, my heart melted.

I grin and press my lips to the small patch of skin over his collar bone that was showing. "You're the only person I want, Matt." I sigh closing my eyes, only to open them when Matt rolls on top of me.

"You're very comfy," He smiles nuzzling his face into my neck.

"And you're heavy." I laugh. He slowly lifts himself up and presses his lips to mine.

Gosh his lips are so soft.. Perfect.

"I know this isn't romantic or anything," He starts as he rolls off of me, sitting next to me.

"This is totally romantic Matt! Its so  perfect, just like youuu." I grin leaning my head on his shoulder. Taking his hands into my lap as I play with them. "Go on,"

"Okay so I need to ask you something."

The butterflies were already in my stomach, just by the kiss we shared.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Will you do me the pleasure of going on our first date so I can stop feeling guilty for moving to fast."

"That'd be lovely, but I'd rather just sit at the house and watch a movie and maybe make out and just get together." I laugh.

"So you're saying you just wanna skip the whole going on a date part and just get together?" He asks curiously.

"Yeah, that's what I said." I smile. He just laughs.

"Well let's make it official?" He suggests kissing my temple.

"Its so official, babe." I wink leaning over and pressing my lips to his.

"Ahhhhh finally, you're my girlfrienddddd." He grins against my lips.

We're actually together.

(A/N- OMFG its been to long.

Sorry I haven't updated in forever I've been so busy.

I'll try to update a few more times before I start getting busy with school again.

Ily guys [=

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Stay Clean - Sam Pottorff

Stay Strong - Cameron Dallas

Stay Fierce - Carter Reynolds

Stay Beautiful - Sam Pottorff

xxx Chyanneee)

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