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I pull away from Matt and sigh, shaking my head. "You can't mean that, you just can't." I whisper looking up to meet his eyes.

He can't mean it. He never did in the past even though he said he did. So what's changed? Nothing.

"I do though, I never meant to hurt you Arabella. Never. It just happened and I regret it every second of every day." He explains reaching for my hands but I take a step back.

"If you didn't mean to do it you wouldn't have done it, Matthew. You know you meant what you said." I sigh.

"I may have meant it in the moment but I was pissed off and so were you. I'm not the only one at fault here." He says taking a deep breath.

"I never said you were! But damnit I never laid a hand on you, especially like you did to me." I snap.

He can't be serious. He did more damage then my words could have ever done. He ruined me yet its my fault?

"I didn't mean to do it but you were pissing me off and I couldn't control my anger once it hit that point," He sighs before sitting down in his desk chair and I sigh sitting on the edge of his bed.

"You were the one that wouldn't leave, Matt. Even before you were mad. I tried to make you leave but you wouldn't." I explain and he just nods his head.

"Yeah, I know." He says softly as he stands up and walks towards me. "Im really sorry for what happened, Bella. But I can't change what happened. I would if I could." He says sadly. His eyes holding guilt and regret but most importantly, honesty.

Do I believe him? Yes. But do I forgive him? I have no idea. it's a lot to take in in just a few hours.

"I know you regret it and I do too." I pause looking away from him. "But I'd rather talk about it later. I'm tired and just drained Matt."

"I understand. It'll take time for you to forgive me, I know it will. But I won't stop trying because my biggest mistake was loosing you."

I don't say anything in reply I just stand up and walk over to his desk. "Do you still have it?" I question him as I look through the stuff stacked on his desk.

"Have what?" He asks me and I grab the photo album and smile. "I wouldn't get aride of that for anything." He says as I trace my finget over the title.

Best Friend's ♡ written in navy blue cursive writting over the turquoise cover.

"I still have mine, I just refuse to get it out.. Along with everything else that is between us. I still have your hoodie that you loved so much that I stole." I smile sitting on the edge of the bed next to Matthew.

"You can keep it," He laughs as I open the book.

The first page was of us on the first day we met. Our parents wanted us to be best friends the minute they met each other. So thats why theres so many pictures.

I smile as I look at the one of us hugging after we declared our best friendship. We didnt like each other at first but after a few minutes, we were best friends all because of a TV show.


"Mom! This isn't fair, I can make my own friend's." I sigh looking out of the window of my moms white camry.

"Honey, you'll love him!" She promises and I groan.

"it's a boy? I'm not in the mood to deal with a coutie filled magnetic slim bucket boy." I say shuddering. Coutie's are a big deal.

"He doesn't have couties honey," She laughs as we pull into the driveway of a huge house. The house itself looked like a mansion.
"I don't want to meet him!" I pretest as she opens my door. Stopping in my tracks as a very pretty lady and a little boy come out of the front door.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now