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"I don't know how you guys do this," I say to Taylor as he walks up next to me as we walk over to the meet and greet section on the convention.

"I don't know either, I just know the fans help us," He tells me cracking his knuckles. "Some of them are really hot too," He says looking over the sea of girls.

I give him a flat look and he laughs draping his arm over my shoulder. "I'm just keedin'." He says kissing my temple.

He's seriously adorable. "Arabella!! Come over here, please!!" Carter calls from down the line. I pull away from Taylor, shooting him a smile before walking down the line to Carter.

He pulls me into a small hug and kisses my cheek. "Missed ya'." He smiles as he let's me go. I stand next to him smiling.

"Missed ya' too," I say fiddling with the magcon pass around my neck.

"I know, I know." He says dusting off his shoulders. I roll my eyes and push him away from me. "Conceited," I comment as a few fans come up.

I stand over behind the table as he takes pictures. Fans asking me questions.

Asking me stupid questions like, Do you have the boys' numbers?! Can you give them too me?!

Clearly I do now, but obviously no. Like stop sounding thirsty.

"Gosh, some people are annoying. As if I'd give them any of your guys' numbers." I say to Carter as he laughs.

I shake my head as more and more fans come up. "Who are you?" One girl asks me, her voice soft.

"I'm Arabella, you?" I ask smiling. "I'm Bella. Coincidence? Haha. How do you know the boys if you don't mind me asking," She says. She seems so harmless.

The ones who seem harmless are the most dangerous.

Learned that one from Matthew.

"Oh uhm, I've known Matthew for a really long time.." I smile sweetly even though I hated saying that. We are no where near being even close to friends.

Yet I can't tell the fans that I hate him other wise they would probably kill me. Not that I wouldn't mind to die...

But I just wanna die quickly and painlessly. They would torture me and I'd die slowly.

"Oh! That's nice! Matthew's one of my favorites, he's so amazing. He saved my life, really. He's an amazing person inside and out!" She beams with excitement.

He's really not all that he's made out to be.

Yes he's saved my life but, he almost made it too the point where it almost ended too, so therefore he's not my hero, he's more of an enemy.

"Yeah, he's a great kid." I smile a fake smile. He is when he wants to be.

I just wish people knew the real him.. Then maybe that wouldn't want to be his fans.

But I know he genuinely cares about them and vise versa. He's a great person when he wants to be.

I just wish he was like that all the time. It'd make forgiving him so much easier.

I don't even trust him like I used too. He didn't betray me in a non trustworthy way... Just the things that happened in that fight and over time, has made me not trust him.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now