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"Matt, you never answered my text." I state as he lays down on the guest bed in Carter's room. Carter and him should be leaving tomorrow for tour.

"Yeah I know." He says rubbing his face. "I need time to think, Bella. I should have an answer by the end of tour."

"Wow okay." I say shaking my head as I put more of my clothes into my suitcase that I just washed.

"Not like that Arabella. Damn." He groans sitting up and putting his head in his hands.

"Don't get an attitude with me Matt. I'm really not in the mood." I snap grabbing my phone and walking out of the room. "Heyyyyy," I smile as Nash as I plop down on the couch next to him.

"What's up with Matt? He's being so... rude." He sighs as I lean my head on his shoulder.

"I don't know. He's being an ass to me. But oh well, I won't be seeing him for a few weeks and I'm glad."

"Are you going home?"

"Yeah, I should before school starts again." I say rubbing my eyes.

"You should just move down here!" Cameron grins sitting on the other side of me.

"I couldn't do that." I laugh shaking my head. Sighing.

I wouldn't mind living out here, in California. Its so beautiful out here, but I am not eighteen and I don't feel like living by myself right now.

"You can just move in here, then when you're eighteen you can move out and get your own place wherever you want, come onnnnnn." Nash beams.

"And where exactly would I sleep?" I ask rolling my eyes as I laugh.

"In the spare bed in Carter's room, obviously. Carter's never here anyways." Nash explains.

"I can't, I have school and my mom would never let me." I sigh playing with the tips of my hair.

"You can go to school down here." Cameron smiles.

"And I can bet your mom would let you if you blackmailed her." Nash smirks.

"Let me turn seventeen then I'll move down here," I reason and Cameron and Nash high five.

"Yay!" They cheer. Both of them kissing my cheeks.

"Are you guys down to go to the beach tomorrow before Matt and I leave?" Carter asks as he walks down the stairs.

"Too down." Nash grins.

Yay, beach days equal great days.





"Let's go!!" Matt yells from downstairs as I get ready, grabbing my phone and purse before running downstairs, almost running into Cameron.

"Jeeze you have no chill," I say to Matt as he walks behind me out of the apartment.

"I'm still sorry," He murmurs wrapping his arms around me from behind as we walk down to the car.

"Yeah," I mumble reaching up behind me and placing my hand on his cheek before I stop walking and turn around in his arms.

"I'm just tired of hiding us.." I sigh playing with the fabric of his tank top. "I don't want everyone to know, I just want our friends to know and our family,"

He just sighs and presses his lips to mine slowly. "Just give me a few days, okay baby? I don't want to loose you, and I don't want drama to start once they know."

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now