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"I can't believe its finally summeerr." Isabelle grins as we sit in her backyard, drying off from being in her pool.

"I know," I mumble looking up from my phone, she just gives me a sad look before standing up and grabbing her phone.

"Picture?" She suggests holding her phone out. I smile and lean closer to her as she takes the picture.

"What's he saying?" She finally asks as I unlock my phone again.

"He's not responding. He's reading my messages but not responding." I say typing yet another message out to Matthew. We got into an argument last night because he wanted to go with me to Omaha to see Sam next weekend and I told him no.

So now he's ignoring me and I'm just irritated.

Arabella Rose - Matthew Idk why you're so mad that I'm going without you, Jack and Jack will be there, I don't think I need a baby sitter.

That finally for a reaction out of him, it took at least a minute or two for a reply but I finally got one eventually.

"He's being dramatic, really. Honestly I just feel like he doesn't want you to be alone with Sam because he's in love with you and jelly." She explains and I just sigh as I read Matthew's reply.

Matthew Lee(: -You're right, you don't need a baby sitter but Idk Sam as well as I know Jack and Jack, so I'm sorry if I don't trust you being around him alone. But its your call. Not mine. I just feel like whatever I say means nothing to you anymore.

Arabella Rose-You know that's not true Matthew. Your word is usually over everyone's. I always confirm everything I do with you before doing it. I'm not a child, I can handle myself. I know Sam and I know he wouldn't hurt me. He's not you.

The minute I sent that text I regretted it. I regretted saying anything about him in there.

Because I know he'll just get even more mad at me.

"You know he'll get over this whole thing if you just break up with Sam and get with him." Isabelle suggests and I just roll my eyes as I stand up.

"I need to go home, its getting late. I'll see you later. Text me." I say quickly as I grab my stuff and walk around the side of her house and leaving out of her front gate.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now