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"Matt, I want us to be together." I sigh looking him dead in the eye.


"Because I'm fucking tired of this? I don't know. I thought you'd want this." I say rolling my eyes.

"Tired of what? Being friends?" He asks, laughing but curiosity in his voice.

Way to friend zone me Matt. Way to go.

"Yeah, never mind. Forget I said anything." I smile before walking out of the room. "Carter, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, sure." He smiles standing up following me to his room. "What happened?"

"He totally friendzoned me!" I groan sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Why would he do that? He likes you," Carter says. "I can talk to him if you want?"

"No its fine, he wants to friend zone me, fine. I'll just find someone else who won't."

"Like who? I mean... Not like that but who do you have in mind?" He asks looking down at me.

"I don't know? God. Its not like I can just go out and find a guy who likes me, its pointless. Never mind. I'm going to bed."

I stand up and walk out of the room, walking into the guest room where I'm sleeping. I brush my teeth and get into bed.

I thought Matt would want that?

Whatever. I'll find someone else.

No I won't.

I only want Matthew.

"Arabella," I hear Carter say knocking on the door. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah. Sure." I mutter as I look at the door waiting for him to walk in.

"I talked to Matt," He explains sitting on the next, leaning against my legs.

"And? What did he say that he wants a relationship but wants to stay friends?" I laugh bitterly closing my eyes.

"No, he just... He wants to make it special? Something like that."

"Yeah, whatever." I sigh.

"But I have a different plan, and I want to see if you wanna do it." He says and I motion for him to go on. "Make him jealous, be with one of the guys. Like, pretend and make him see what he's missing out on because he sure is missing out on a great girl."

So the Carter Reynolds has a good plan.

"I like the way you think," I smile. "But who would want to even do that? Especially with me."

"I would? I mean that's just a suggestion." He says slowly.

"You'd really fake date me?" I smile.

"Yeah, I would."

"Thank you Carter." I smile kissing his cheek. The door opening, revealing Matt who just walked past until he seen Carter and gave a me strange look.

"Okay, don't feel weird." Carter mumbles sliding under the blankets next to me. Wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into his chest.

"You and Carter?" Matthew laughs looking at us. I just shrug and look away from him.

He didn't have a shirt in so it was kind of hard.

"Well I guess its a good thing Madison and I are seeing each other then. Wouldn't wanna waste my time on someone who lies."

"Matt seriously shut up. I told you I fucking wanted to be with you and you friendzoned me! So if any one is in the wrong here its you. I'm seriously so done with this bullshit. One minute you're kissing me but the next you're throwing it in my face that you're seeing someone else." I snap, walking over to him.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now