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Standing there, engulfed in Matthew's strong embrace, I didn't feel the emptyness I usually felt. Which was on a day to day basis.

But here and now, that feeling had almost evaporated. As if it was never there. I needed this, I needed him.

But I couldn't bring myself to fight for him again. Considering all the things that were said that day. I couldn't just forgive him that easily.

At least not anytime soon. But that doesn't mean I won't let him help me, right now.

I could feel Matthew's hands soothingly rubbing circles into my back. The way he did it, was the same way he used to. The way that always calmed my down.

Just like it was doing now. I hear Isabell cough, in a way to ruin the moment kind of way. I know why. She was just as confused as to why Matt was doing this.

I pull away from him and wipe under my eyes, thank goodness I wore water proof mascara and eye liner today.

I feel Matthew's hands coming in contact with my cheeks, his thumbs wiping away the tears for me. I smiled as I looked up at him, finding his intense gaze on my face.

Our eyes connecting. "Arabella, everything will be okay. I promise." He whispers leaning down and kissing my forehead.

"I know it will, it always does." I merely whisper as Austin purposely through the football at Matthew. Someone else from the team. I could see him in the corner of my eye aiming it at Matt.

It ended up hitting Matthew's thigh. "Seriously? Fuck." Matthew snaps at him dropping his hands as he looks at Austin who was walking towards us.

"Yeah seriously." Austin smirks as he is merely a step away from me. I didn't like Austin, at all. He just didnt... Give good vibes.

"Can't you see I'm doing something?" Matthew groans as the rest of the team came and sat down at the benches talking to Isabell who I'm pretty sure didn't mind.

"Yeah, I have eyes." Austin shrugs smiling at me. I shivered a bit as I turned around and took my seat again. Isabell in front of me and Aaron on my right side. Seeing how I was at the end of the bench nobody was on my left side.

Isabell stares at me, "What the fuck." She hisses moving her eyes towards Matthew who was talking to Austin about interrupting and getting manners.

He's just so innocent.

"So, working things out with Matthew? Yesterday you guys hated each other." Aaron whispers in my ear. I shrug.

"No, we aren't even close to being friends or working anything out. He just knows me, so." I say a loud to him a few of the others staring at me.

"Didn't look like it back there," Aaron remarks raising an eyebrow. "Stop assuming shit." I say standing up. It's so damn annoying when people just think it's okay to make assumptions.

Like hold on, my assumption on you is that your an annoying fucktard.

Woah, I'm in a bad mood. Luckily the bell rang as I grabbed my stuff. Isabell right by my side as we walked to history.

I take my seat and sigh. Today has been such a long day. I feel someone sit next to me, I sigh looking over at Matthew as he grins at me.

"What do you want?" I ask banging my head on the desk softly. "Your killing brain cells and you don't have many to waste." He laughs.

I stare at him smiling. "Shut up," I laugh as my teacher eyes me and Matthew.

"Arabella, something you wanna share with me?" She asks as she stops at the table handing out our papers.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now