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I laugh as Matthew falls over onto the bed, like a whale flopping into the water.

"You think that's funny, huh?" He laughs coming towards me, holding his hands out as if too signal he's going too tickle me.

Oh fuck no.

"No, that wasn't funny..." I say backing up towards Shawn. "Hey, Shawn.. You know what you should do? Protect me from him." I say looking up at him as he laughs.

I felt a strange feeling over come me as I let the words, protect me from him slip out of my mouth.

I do need too be protected from him. He's dangerous whether you choose too believe it or not.

He's lethal and fatal. He's like the shark off of Finding Nemo, he says fish are friends and that he's friendly. But the moment you're injured and he smells blood, he attacks.

In Matthew's case, he pretends too be friendly and act like he would never hurt a soul, but once he senses your weakness, he snaps.

He hurts you. He comes after you and won't stop until he ruins you.

With me, I came back and didn't let him get too me that bad. No matter how many harsh things were said.

He didn't win. I didn't change myself for him.. I changed myself for, myself.

His words just made me realise how I really am.

He's like a rat keeper, he raises the rats, gets them fat and makes them trust them. Then bam! He feeds you too the snake.

Matthew has so many sinister qualities within, he just doesn't let them show. He's only showed his true colors with me once.

Never again will I let him that close too me again, I don't want too see that Matthew, that evil twisted side too Matthew ever again.

But I just have a feeling I will be, if I don't be careful..

But maybe, just maybe, I could hurt him like he hurt me... I could make him be lonely and feel empty inside just like he did too me.

I could do that, I could. But I won't.

See that's were me and Matthew are so different, when he's angered, he doesn't stop until the pray he is attacking, is near death.

With me, I don't fight back, I simply let it happen. I don't seek revenge, even if they did something so horrible too me. In this case, if there was one person I'd seek revenge on at this very second in time...

It would be Matthew. He deserves too suffer just like I did. He deserves too feel so worthless like I did.

But I won't do it too him, he'll DL it to himself. Eventually.

"Arabella, mind sleeping in my hotel room? Cameron insisted on staying in here." Taylor says suddenly entering the room and breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah," I say rubbing my eyes, grabbing my phone and charger before following Taylor into his room, laying down on his bed as I plug my charger in.

Taylor crawling onto the bed next to me. "Hey, beautiful." He grins pulling me closer too him.

Right now, if I wasn't tired and so emotionally drained, I would feel really uncomfortable with being pressed against a guy who I just met two days ago.

But who said I'm going too stop him? He's cute, yes. But that doesn't mean I'll sleep with him.

No way in hell would I let a guy I've known for two days get into my pants....

Unless its Zac Efron...

But I mean, come on now. Have you seen him? He's stunning.

So is Dave Franco... Man don't even get me started on him. He like a God-

No, stop before you start to fan girl. Man.

I feel Taylor kiss me cheek and nose before slowly leaning in, his eyes closing.

I find myself closing my eyes, waiting for him lips too meet mine.

Finally, when they do, I couldn't even think twice as too what emotion was behind it before I hear someone and Taylor screaming and Taylor being tossed onto the floor like a rag doll.

I look down and see him.

(A/N- Sorry its really really short and just blahhhhh.

Didn't have much time to owrite this.

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I love you all(:

Stay Beautiful - Sam Pottorff

You're beautiful - Taylor Caniff

xxx Chyanneee)

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now