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Its now one day before me and Matthew leave for Nashville.

The past two weeks me and Matthew haven't really talked. At all, the only thing we ever talk about is the trip.

My mom said I could go since its Matthew and it'll give her a break from me.

Which totally gets me. Like, I am barely around anyways. I'm always at school and Volleyball practice after school.

So I don't know why she has the right to say that. I don't know why she has the right to say anything to me anymore.

We've literally fought every night these past two weeks and I hate it. I don't like fighting with her, but she literally attacks me for no reason.

She thankfully hasn't touched me but she has gotten in my face to the point where I can feel the droplets of spit as she yells.

Its annoying and depressing at the same time, but nobody knows about the fighting. Nobody. Not even Isabell.

Right now I'm in seventh period, sitting in between Jacob and Isabell. Mrs. Beckermen watching me and Jacob, a less protective defense considering she knew that I hate Matthew and Jacob has never been a threat to me.

Like I said, she's like a protective sister. I know if I needed advice or needed someone to talk to, I could go to her.

She's just one of those teachers. Her and my math teacher are married and they are my too favorite teachers.

Which makes it so much better. "Arabella, stop moving your leg." Isabell says reaching under the table and stopping my leg.

I was anxious for this weekend and nervous so I was shaking a lot. I don't know why, its weird. But I am.

I'm scared to be with Matthew for a whole weekend, whether its around plently of new people. They're all Matthew's friends. So, that makes it so much weirder and scarier.

I look over at her and sigh. "I'm anxious, yet scared. I'm leaving right before school tomorrow and ugh." I say keeping my feet glued to the floor so my leg wouldn't bounce.

I do that a lot when I'm nervous. Its a stupid habit. It reminds me of Taylor Lautner cause that's one of his habits.

Haha, I'm a weirdo for knowing this.

"I still am so nervous for you to go." She tells me honestly as Mrs. Beckermen comes over to us, sitting at the end of the table.

"Where are you going?" She asks me. "She's going to Nashville with Matthew tomorrow morning and coming home Monday." Jacob tells her.

She shakes her head sighing. "Be careful, now I'll get you all your work." She smiles walking off.

I watch as she opens the big metal drawer and gets my assignments that I'll be missing along with Matthew's I'm guessing.

"Who am I going to hang out with this weekend?" Isabell asks me throwing her hands in the air dramatically almost hitting the kid behind her.

Laughing I shrug. "Hang out with Hunter." I suggest and she stops all movement. Staring at me. "Who's Hunter?" She asks me clueless, but I know she's just being difficult.

"Seriously." I say annoyed as she smirks. "I'm just kidding, but I guess I could. But me and him aren't really a thing anymore. Its awkward considering I've known him forever." She says and I nod.

That would be awkward. Especially if they're like family to your family. Awkward spelled out.

"You'll find someone babe." I smile reasurringly as Mrs. Beckermen comes over explaining the assignments to me.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now