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"That girl is you," Matthew whispers, kissing the side of my head.

"Matt, come out here with me!" Bobby exclaims. Matt sighing but standing up.

"We'll finish this conversation later," He smiles before walking out into the water with Bobby.

"Seriously, I don't understand why he even puts up with her... I mean its clear that she likes him, and just wants him all to herself. Its shit," Johnny says sitting next to me on Matt's towel.

"I don't know, I get where she's coming from though. I mean, Matt's amazing.. Who wouldn't want him all to themselves?"

"You like him, don't you?" He asks, and I look down.

"Wuuttt.. Noo," I say, my voice squeaking, indicating that I'm lying. "I can't even deny it anymore."

"Then get him, Arabella. I know you guys like each other. Just go for it. Matt won't act on it because he doesn't think you like him." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"He probably does know I do, considering every time he's kissed me I've kissed him back." I say then regret it.

But I mean, its just Johnny and Johnny can keep a secret. So.

"How many times have you guys kissed?" He asks curiously as I pick at my nails.

"A few times,"

"You guys totally want each other, I just wish you two would get over yourself and just get together already and make everyone happy." He says sighing. I just shrug and look out towards the water seeing Bobby tackle Matthew.

"In all reality they'd make a really cute couple." I say leaning into Johnny more and he coughs.

"Yeah..." He trails off. "No."

"Its true, I mean they already look like a couple." I sigh.

"You two are a way better couple so get over the whole they'd be cute together. You're not playing match maker, unless its matching yourself with Matthew then shhhh."

I just laugh and slowly stand up. "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back." I say before walking off to the public bathroom.

I seriously hate public bathrooms. Especially at the beach because their so unsanitary.

After I used the restroom and washed my hands I started to make my way back over to the group but am pulled in the opposite direction by no other then Matthew.

"Matt!" I screech hitting his chest. He literally scared me so much. I'm glad I peed before he scared me. That would have been so embarrassing.

"Hey," He says casually. "I got bored and I thought scaring you would be fun so. Here I am."

I couldn't help but smile because of how cute he is. I mean.. Its Matthew Lee Espinosa, one of the most adorable guys I know.

"Well hello there," I say pushing some of my hair out of my face. But Matthew quickly reached up and put my hair behind my ear.

"May I kiss you?"

Do you even have to ask?

I just smile wider and nod my head, Matthew slowly leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. The same burning sensation tingling all over my body as his hands cupped my cheeks, deepening the kiss.

We stood there pretty much making out for a good five minutes before I had to pull away.

"I don't know about you, but I love kissing you." Matthew admits wrapping his arms around my shoulders in a hug. My arms slowly wrapping around his waist.

"Ditto," I murmur into his bare chest. Smiling.

I don't think I could like him any more then I already do.

I've caught the feelings. "We're leaving soon, and I was wondering if you were going to spend the night st my place again," He says as I pull away from him, walking towards the group.

"Yeah, I mean why not?" I say looking back at him. He just smiles and runs up behind me, throwing me over his shoulder.

Sometimes I wish he wasn't a football player.

"Matt can you set me down before you do something stupid like throw me in the water." I whine hitting his back.

I had a great view of his butt.

Idea! Light Bulb. I reach down and pinch his butt making him stop dead in his tracks.

"Did you really just pinch my butt?" He asks astonished.

"Yeah, I think I just did." I laugh and he just runs into the water, dropping me into the freezing water.

When I came up he was smiling at me. "Asshole," I mutter walking past him.

"Arabella!" He yells after me. I'm not mad I'm just a really good actor.

"Arabella, I'm sorry." He whines grabbing my waist and spinning me around to face him I just look away. "Don't be mad please, I love you." He says softly tilting my chin up to face him directly. Our eyes meeting.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask him softly. I just thought about it and I just really wanted to know. He nods his head, gesturing for me to go on.

"Why do you only kiss me when there's nobody we know around?" I ask him looking him directly in the eye.

"I could kiss you anywhere, Arabella." He explains and I just shake my head. "I just, I know you think I'm probably embarrassed to kiss you in front of people, but its for your own good. If fans were to see that you'd get more hate than you already do, and I don't want that."

"Oh, okay." I say quietly moving back so his fingers weren't placed under my chin any more and walked over to Johnny, sitting down next to him again.

"What time are we leaving?" I ask Johnny.

"Whenever everyone wants. Hopefully soon, I'm in need a of a cool shower." He smiles. I just nod my head in agreement.

"Same, I think we should get going." I say standing up and grabbing all of my stuff, putting my shorts in my bag along with Matthew's hoodie. Everyone started to gather everything and put it into Johnny's truck before getting into the cars.

Matthew Johnny and I riding in Johnny's truck like before and the ride home was long and quiet. The only noise made was by the radio, playing multiple country songs.

I just leaned into Matthew and slowly fell asleep.

(A/N- I feel like I haven't updated in for ever.

I'm soo sorry!!!

Happy 4th of July everyone (:



I got a lot of hate though Lol.

70 Votes For The Next Chapter :)

Stay Fierce - Carter Reynolds

Stay Clean - Sam Pottorff (Not like take a shower clean, if you don't already know what he means by that.)

Stay Beautiful - Sam Pottorff

xxx Chyanneee)

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now