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Its been a little while since I spent the night at Matthew's. Its actually been a long while.

It's now March so approximately a month or so. Lately I've been joining him for the MagCon events all over and I've had a blast every time.

Matthew and I haven't really, Made up like we both thought we would. It's taking a lot longer to really forgive him then I thought it would.

Its a Friday night, March 14th and I'm with Matthew. We decided to go out for ice cream after school so that's exactly what we're doing.

"She's getting a scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough and another scoop of cookies n cream." Matthew orders for me and I smirk.

"Still know my order like it's nothing," I laugh and he narrows his eyes at me. "Okay, okay," I surrender and he smiles a sweet smile before handing me my ice cream.

The minute the sweet heaven touches my tongue I grin. "Thanks, Matt." I say as he pays and gets his.

"No problamo." He says following me out of the door. "To the park like old times?" He questions me once we're outside.

"If ya' want. We could just go back to your place cause it is a little bit hot outside." I frown at the humid air. He nods his head and starts walking towards his car.

"Why don't we just head back to yours? I doubt your mom will be home and your grandma works until five and its.. Three." He reasons and I shrug licking the ice cream as it starts to melt from the hot temperature.

"That's fine, plus I just got a lock on my door so if my moms home she can't but us," I smile and he laughs at me. "You know she totally would. She's so in love with you cause you're so amazing!"

"I can't help it, I got it from my momma." He smirks and I just roll my eyes getting into the car.

"Matt, I believe girls are supposed to use that line... Unless you all of a sudden change genders than ya' know that's cool too." I say and he gags.

"Ewh, girls have couties! I don't want none of those!" He gags licking his ice cream, a few seconds later before we pull up to my house.

Of course, my mom was there and I really didn't want to talk to her. Lately she's been snapping on me and I just don't want anything to do with her.

"Well, this sucks. I was really hoping she wasn't." I frown grabbing my bag off of the floorboard of the car and get out.

"She won't say anything if I'm here, you know that." He reasons with a small smile. I just sigh and open the door, my mom standing there folding some laundry.

"You're home, where have you been all day?" She asks me, venom lacing every word.

"School, where else? I'm forbidden from leaving." I tell her, coming off with a snappy attitude. She whips around and is about to say something but she spots Matthew.

A huge grin spreading across her face. "Matthew!!" She exclaims happily. "I've missed you, you haven't been here for what.. a year now? It's been way to long!"

Yeah, he's been over here once and she wasn't here. I hate bringing him around her, I see how she treats him and I just wish she'd treat me like that. It's like that with every kid she meets though, they are angels and I'm some sin.

"Yeah, it's been awhile." Matthew replies, a small smile on his face but I could tell it was fake. He doesn't like her, at all. He's been on the phone with me when she's flipped on me for no reason.

But I've always begged him to never say anything because then she would yell at me more so he's always acted as if she's the nicest lady in the world.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now