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"Are you done packing for California? Cause I'm ready to get on the roaddd." Matt whines as he lays on my bed, face baried in my pillows.

"Almost, just let me change really quick." I say as I pull out some gray Chachi pants and a black tank top.

I change quickly while Matt was still face planted into my bed. Once I finished I tied my hair up into a messy bun and pulled on my white chuck Taylors.

"Alright I'm ready," I say grabbing his red Obey hoodie and pulling it on.

"Finally! Praise the lord! The queen is finally ready!" He says loudly throwing his hands in the air as he charishes this moment.

"Come on weirdo, we might miss our flight." I laugh grabbing my suitcase and messenger bag.

Only to have Matthew snatch my suitcase away from me.

"I can work this suitcase huh?" He smirks Wheeling it down the hall to his dads car.

"Yeah, Matt. Sure." I smile as I get into the car. I already said goodbye to my grandma and I don't feel like speaking to my mom so she can just go somewhere else.

Matt climbs into the backseat next to me a few moments later after putting my suitcase in the back. "We're probs gonna stay with the boys but possibly with someone else I don't know yet."

"Alright," I smile leaning into him. Since he just happened to be in the middle seat.

"You're always trying to sleep. Its ridiculous." He laughs playing with my hand. Lacing our fingers together but then pulling his hand away for a few second before doing it again.

"I know, I love sleeping. And food."

"Yeah, same." He laughs kissing my forehead.





"Cameroonnnn!!!" I yell as he runs into the airport, girls following him. He quickly spots Matthew and I and runs over.

"Let's go guys, there's thousands of girls just waiting outside those doors. We have to hurry before more show up." Cameron gushes almost gasping for air.

We all walked out of the airport, immediately being crowded. Girls screaming at me fore being with them.

I got so many insults it was ridiculous.

Just because I'm with the boys doesn't mean I'm with the boys like gosh dang.

Its not like I'm taking the boys away from the fans and I really hope they don't feel that way. I'm just here because Matt wants me to be.

"Sorry for the rudeness, some fans are cold hearted. But I still love them, so don't mind them." Cameron says once we're in his car. Carter and Nash were already in here waiting.

I got the middle seat in the back between Matthew and Carter which I didn't mind.

"Matt, you up to go see the Janoskians?" Nash asks him.

Jai and Luke are such babes.

"Yeah, do you want to come?" Matt asks me.

"No, thanks. I think I'll just go back to the house with the boys and chill," I smile.

"Alright," He says smiling. Even though I know he's a little bit upset that I'm not going with him.

I can't be with you 25/8 Matt.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now