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I couldn't get Taylor off of my mind, he just got stuck there and no matter what I did, he was there and I barely met him six hours ago.

He's literally the cutest and sweetest boy I've met. Not even Jacob could compare too him.

"Arabella," Matthew says as we all were in somebody's hotel room lounging around and I was slowly falling asleep.

I look over at him and flip him off rolling over and barring my face into the pillow of whoever' bed this is.

"Arabella, come on." Matthew laughs grabbing my hand. I pull it away from him holding up the middle finger as he groans.

"Why are you so difficult." He says and I groan. "Why are you trying to make me stay awake? Why. Why. Why." I repeat myself as he laughs shaking his head.

"Fine I'll just have Shawn carry you." He says eyeing me before calling Shawn over.

I jump up from the bed and run out of the room into ours. I don't like being picked up because I start feeling self conscious. I mean I know I had Shawn pick me up earlier but it was only for a few seconds.

Being carried, makes it worse because I feel like I'm making them work out just by carrying me.

I don't know why, but its always been that way with me, even when I was little. I've always been chunky and even though I had lost a ton of weight since I had too I still don't like it.

I had lost a ton of weight the past year due to mine and Matthew's fight and because I was tired of being fat.

Everyone said I wasnt fat but I literally could move my stomach and I didn't like it, so I changed myself.

For myself and for the simple fact that I am, or was, a fat bitch ... Matthew's words not mine.

But I agree with him. One hundred percent. There was so much more to that fight than just that little part but I try to not bring it up because the memory kills me.

It makes me shake and cry and become even more pathetic than I already am.

It makes me want to truly disappear... That's how bad it was. I don't think I will ever get the words out of my head that he kept repeating, nonstop as I broke down in front of him.

Screaming at him too leave and just stay out of my life.

He did, and yes I am glad he listened to me. If he would have came back and fought for our friendship back then, I probably wouldn't be the person I am today.

Matthew has been a lethal card that I have been dealt. It makes me shiver knowing the dark side of him.

The side no one wants to see. He's like a snake, he waits and waits, coiling as the time passes before sticking.

He's quiet to, sneaky and can mess with your mind with one simple word, just like a snake would with one simple bite.

They both have fatal out comes.

Yet here I am, with him. After everything he's put me through, I still trust him and it baffles me.

Truly, it does.

But maybe its because he's just that trust worthy. Even though I suspected him to tell all of my secrets after our fight, he didn't. That makes my heart swell because it makes me believe he's still the Matthew, the innocent trust worthy Matthew.

He always will be, I suppose. That's one of my most favorite qualities in him aside from the fact he's caring and a sweetheart...

But as I've said before he can be as dangerous as a ratel snake. Lethal and Fatal.

I'm broke from my thoughts feeling someone tap my shoulder. I look up at Matthew as he smiles down at me.

"You gonna take a shower before bed? If you are hurry cause Shawn and I want one too." He tells me walking over to his bed and sitting on the edge of it.

"Nah, I took one this morning." I say standing up and grabbing some sweat pants and a random tank top walking into the bathroom and changing.

Washing my face and brushing my teeth. I walk out grabbing my iPod and headphones before crawling into the bed turning Pandora on.

All of Me by John Legend but it was a cover was the first song to play as I plugged my phone into the charger.

Shawn waves his hand in front of my face, smiling. I take out one headphone and stare up at him. "I just wanted to say goodnight." He smiles before walking into the bathroom.

I smile plugging my headphones back in as Fancy by Iggy starts playing on Pandora.

The last thing I remember before falling asleep is the memory of the fight flashing through my mind.

(A/N- Sorry the chapters are really short. e.e

10 votes for the next chapter?(:

It'll defiantly be longer. For sure.

Stay Fierce - Carter Reynolds

Stay Beautiful - Sam Pottorff

xxx Chyanneee)

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now