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June 1st, 2014

"When do you think Matthew will get back?" Isabelle asks me, folding some clothes and putting them away.

"I don't know, I don't keep track of him, he's been seeing Bobby so I'm staying out of the way." I say looking up at her ceiling.

"Bullshit, you know they won't last." She scoffs sitting next to me on the bed. "Why do you act like you and Matthew have nothing going on? He kissed you twice. That's something."

"Because there's absolutely nothing going on between us. It's been like two months since that day, and he hasn't made any moves on me."

"But you like him, go after him." She says annoyed and I glare at her.

"I don't like him, I'm already talking to someone else."

"Yeah right, who?" She asks.

"Sam," I say picking at my nails and she scoffs.

"Which Sam? Cause Pottorff is mine." She says and I laugh sitting up as my phone started ringing, I reach over and pick my phone up off of the night stand and answer the phone.


"Hey, I miss you." Matthew says into the phone and I smile laying back on the bed.

"I miss you, too. When will you be home?"

"Don't know," He pauses. "What are you doing?"

"I'm at Isebelle's. What about you?" I ask him as Isabelle goes back to putting away clothes.

"I'm just chilling with the Jacks." He says happily and I laugh at how happy he sounded. He always has so much fun with the boys that it makes me happy.

Is that weird? Not really considering he's like my best friend again.

"That's always fun, tell 'em to text me and stop being losers." I say smiling. Matthew laughing and they both just yell Shutupthrew the phone.

"I feel the love. But hey I gotta go," I mumble as Isabelle motions me to follow her out of her room. I bid my goodbyes with him.

"What do you want?" I ask her as she walks down her stairs. "I'm ready to just go to sleep, so I doubt this is more important then sleeping."

"Yeah, oh well. It's one in the afternoon, you shouldn't be sleeping any ways." She says leading ne out back, I just see her in ground pool and trees. "Let's go swimming."

"We went swimming yesterday," I point out. She just rolls her eyes and jumps into the pool, wearing shorts and a tank top. What a weirdo.

"Don't chicken out on me, you and I barely have been spending time together, you're always busy with a boy or family things. Plus it's going to summer and this has to go back to the way it was before you forgave Matthew."

"I didn't plan on forgiving him and you know that." I say looking down at the clothes I was wearing, just a simple pair of yoga shorts and a black v neck. I set my phone on the table by the sliding glass doors and jump into the pool, making Isabelle scream because she was under water and didn't know I was coming in.

"You still forgave him and just kind of forgot about me, it seems like things are going back to eighth grade." She sighs sitting on the steps of the pool.

"Stop, you're still my girl best friend and always will be, Matthew just, I don't know. It's Matthew." I sigh rubbing my forehead and she rolls her eyes at me. "I'm serious. Okay?" I laugh splashing her, she just screams and starts kicking her feet, splashing me.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now