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"Bobby said she's on her way," Matthew informs me as I walk back into his room from getting changed into my bathing suit.

"Okay." I mumble putting my phone into the front pocket of my shorts and sit on the edge of his bed.

"I know you don't want her to come, but please play nice." He says standing in front of me. I just groan and lean forward, my head resting on his stomach. I feel his hands right below the back of my neck, just resting there.

"I only play nice with people I actually enjoy being around." I murmur into his tank top that covered his slightly outlined abs.

You couldn't see them the best but you can feel them. I mean, he's a football player. It pays off well.

"I know. For me though?" He asks rubbing my back. I just sigh and slowly nod my head.

I'm not going too. Well I might until she talks.

"Matt! Arabella! Bobby, Ryan and Johnny are here!" His mom calls from downstairs.

I silently groan and stand up, "I'm borrowing another one of your sweaters." I smirk walking over to his closet looking through all his sweaters.

It was a gray hoodie that had a black symbol on it, I know he wears it a lot. I pull it on and pull my hair out of the back.

"Bobby, hey." Matt says as she walks into his room just wearing her bathing suit.

It made me feel so self conscious being around her even when she wears sweats.

"Hey Matt," She smiles giving him a hug which he happily returned. "Arabella, hey!" She grins as if I'm her best friend.

Girl bye you're not fooling anyone but yourself. I just smile a fake smile and wave slightly. I grab my beach bag and walk out of the room, meeting Ryan and Johnny downstairs. I give them both a hug before walking outside.

"What's wrong?" Kristen asks me as I sit next to her on the porch. I just sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"I just don't like Bobby," I respond quietly in case she was eavesdropping, not that I cared.

"Oh. Yeah, so I heard you guys got caught making out last night." She smirks giving me a knowing look. I just sigh running a hand over my face, I couldn't keep the smile off of my face.

"Yeah, but I doubt there will be anything more after that cause Bobby and him are pretty cozy." I respond, I couldn't help the annoyance that was laced with every word.

"So you like him?" She asks grinning. I just shrug. "I'm not going to tell him, but I knew one day one of you would fall for the other. This is great,"

"I mean I do. But I know he won't want to be anything more than best friends with me considering he's practically with Bobby. I just I don't know."

"If he was practically with Bobby he wouldn't dare even kiss you. He's not a cheater, so Bobby has nothing on you. By the way, I'm routing for you." She smiles, and at that moment Matthew and Bobby walked outside.

"You ready to go?" He asks me I just smile and nod my head standing up. "Bobby suggested you and I ride with her, but that's up to you."

I just roll my eyes as I turn back around to look at Matthew and her.

"Uhm, no. You can but it'd be cheaper just to take one car." I mumble and walk over to Johnny's truck, getting inside.

I watch as Matthew says something to Bobby that she didn't like to much but her and Ryan went and got into her car and drove off, Johnny and Matthew getting inside.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now