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I pull back from Matt and look the opposite way from him. "You just kissed me in public."

"I know," He says pressing his lips against my forehead. "The guys pretty much already know, and they're the only people here that know us so it really doesn't matter."

Of course.

He isn't worried because its just the boys and no fans.

Whatever. "Yeah," I say smiling. I wasn't happy but I wasn't going to ruin his happiness.

"Are you flying home tomorrow?" He asks as I walk back onto the  shore where the boys were kicking a soccer ball around.

"Yeah I am." I say sitting down in Cameron's beach chair. "And so are you for what a day?"

"Yeah, then I head out from there to go on tour." He smiles as he sits on a towel next to the chair I'm sitting in.

"That's cool," I say leaning back in the chair.

"Are you mad that I'm going on tour?" He asks curiously as I get on my phone.

"No," I say honestly. I'm not, I'm glad he is but I just hate how our relationship is.

"Oh okay,"

"I'm happy I get to go home and see my friends." I reason as Isabelle texts me.

Isabelle (:  - I miss you Lol you need to come back dude.

Arabella - I'm coming back tomorrow morning so you need to pick me up from the airport.(:

Isabelle (: - FINALLY

I just smile and lock my phone as I close my eyes.





"Arabella!!!!" Isabelle screams tackling me in a hug. Catching the attention of a few fans that were waiting here for Matthews arrival.

"I feel the love." Matt says rolling his eyes. Isabelle still doesn't like Matt completely and I don't think Matt likes her that much either.

So this is awkward. "Because I don't got no love for them hoes." She replies, smiling.

"Let's go," I say after she finally let me go. "I'm really tired and just want to hang out with my best friend."

Isabelle grins and sticks her tongue out at Matt. "Bye Matt," I smile as he pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead before going over towards the fans.

"Bye Matt, your replacement has arrived." Isabelle smirks as she pulls me out of the airport. To her new car that I have no clue where she got.

Its a BMW though so its nice. "You gotta be nice to him," I inform her as she starts the car.

"Why? All he's ever done is hurt you,"

"He hasn't hurt me... Since the fight." I mutter running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah whatever, I don't want him hurting you again. Because then I'd have to kill a bitch."

I just sigh and look out of the window. "What're we doing today?" I ask her as we pull up to my house.

"Were going to go out to eat then go to the bridge by the lake and chill."

I just nod and get out, dragging my suitcase behind me into the house and straight to my room.

My room looked exactly the same as I left it, and it smelt just like home. I put my suitcase to the side as I look through my closet.

I decide on a black spaghetti strapped dress that has little white designs and stops just above mid thigh, for shoes I grab a pair of black laced heels.

I pull on my outfit and straighten my hair before applying a little bit of makeup. Isabelle was wearing a black skater skirt with daisies on it, a black crop top with black heels.

I grab my black messenger bag and put my phone in it before following Isabelle out to her car. "Today should be fun," I smile.

She nods in agreement. "We have to take lots of pictures." She says and I nod.





"Thanks for nothing," I say rolling my eyes at Isabelle as she laughs following me into my room.

"Tonight was so much fun." She grins. I just nod in agreement and look through all the pictures of us we took today.

I decide to post the one of us sitting on the side of the little bring wall laughing onto instagram. (Pic on fataledits)

"Well I wasn't expecting this," She says as I open the door to my room. I look at what she's talking about, Matt's sitting on the edge of my bed with a dozen daisies mixed with white roses.

My favorite flowers. "I'm sorry being such an ass to you," Matt says standing up from the bed. "I really don't want to loose you and if it means telling people I will."

I couldn't help but smile as he hands me the flowers. "I truly am sorry." He sighs looking down at me.

"Awwwwwwhhhhh," Isabelle Coo's totally ruining the moment. "Oh sorry."

I just laugh and lean on my tippy toes kissing Matt on the lips, Isabelle squealing.

She's bipolar when it comes to Matt. I swear.

"Sorry Isabelle, but she's mine for the rest of the night." Matt informs her as he pulls away wrapping his arms around me.

I don't think he understands that she's gonna take that the sexual way. "Ohhhhhhhh. Get it okay bye!" She says before grabbing her purse off the floor and waving as she walked away.

"Thank you for the flowers." I grin as I admire the bouquet of flowers.

"I felt like I couldn't come here empty handed." He smiles pressing his lips to mine. I laughed against his lips before pulling away and walking to my bathroom to fill up the vase I keep my flowers that I never get in up with water.

I usually buy myself flowers because I mean, I gotta make myself feel special somehow, right?

I put the flowers into the vase and walk back to my room. Setting them on my dresser.

"I was wondering if you minded if I spent the night." He says as I grab some clothes to change into for bed.

"I don't mind." I laugh. "Plus you already had Isabelle leave so," I say as I change into some spandex and a white tank top.

"You're the greatest." He grins. I just roll my eyes and lay down next to him on the bed after pulling my hair up into a messy bun.

His arms instantly wrapping around my waist and pulling me close to him. "I've never felt like this for anyone before." He whispers, almost sounding scared to admit it.

"Neither have I," I murmur into his chest as I take a deep breath. "But I'm glad I feel it for you,"

"Me too. I've always liked you, more than a friend. I just never acted on it for the simple fact that I felt like you'd never feel the same for me."

"Well I do now, and I'm happy we're together." I smile. "I'm gonna miss you while you're on tour though." I frown.

"I'm probably gonna miss you more though." He sighs rubbing my back. "Can I tell you something?" He asks quietly.

"Yeah anything." I say closing my eyes.

"Arabella, I think I'm in love with you."

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now