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"Can I tell you something?" Matthew asks me as we lay on his bed watching Monsters University. I nod my head and pause the movie to listen to him.

"I've missed this, like a lot." He confesses and I smile. I have too Matt. I have too.

"I noticed." I laugh gesturing to the smile on his face.

"You can't tell me you didn't miss this." He points out and I put my Mtn Dew on his nightstand before standing up on the bed, grabbing a pillow and hitting him on the head with it.

"I never said I didn't." I laugh at his shocked face, but he quickly recovers and grabs a pillow, quickly standing up and hitting me with it.

We battled until he finally surrendered and his mom came into the room.

"You guys never fail to amaze me." She laughs as I hit Matthew one more time and jump off the bed, laying onto the floor and trying to get under his bed before he came after me.

But I failed and he fell on top of me. His mom laughing and leaving the room. I stare up into Matthew's brown eyes.

It was as if time had froze and the only thing that wasn't frozen was us.

Before I know it, his lips had found mine. It shocked me but soon I found myself kissing him back and my eyes shut.

His hands cupping my cheeks as my left hand went behind his neck. The kiss ending a few seconds later.

"Holy shit," He mumbles looking down at me wide eyed.

"I known I know. I'm a great kisser." I laugh, clearly joking. "But what the hell just happened?" I question.

"I don't even know." He whispers before standing up and holding a hand out for me to get up. I carefully grab it and he pulls me to my feet.

"Let's just act like nothing happened." I suggest and he nods before crawling onto his bed and I follow suit. Laying my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me.

Soon I couldn't keep my eyes open and I fell asleep.





"Why don't you cook and I go get dressed?" Matthew suggests, sitting down on the counter top. I smack his arm and pull him off of the counter.

"That's rude," I point out before opening up the fridge. "But I mean, you could cook for me while I go get ready, be a real man." I smirk.

"But aren't woman supposed to be the ones to cook?" He asks me. I just glare at him and pat his shoulder before walking towards the stairs.

"Get to cooking, bud." I smile before escaping upstairs. I take a quick shower and pull on a new outfit.

Which happened to be some denim ripped skinny jeans, a white tank top and Matthew's red sweater that said Obey OG in blue writing.

I just braid my hair in a fishtail braid to the side and apply a thin layer of makeup onto my face before walking downstairs, Matthew making some waffles.

"Nice sweater," He comments as he hands me a plate of waffles. I smile.

"Thanks, and thanks." I say sitting down at the table and taking a bite of my waffles. "What're we doing today?" I ask him curiously as he sits next to me, placing a glass of orange juice in front of me.

"We can go hang out with Bobby," He suggests. Yeah no thanks.

"If you want to, you can." I smile taking another bite of my waffle. He just sighs.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now