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"Arabella, I think I'm in love with you." He whispers into my hair, almost as if he didn't want to say it out loud but did.

"Matthew, I know I'm in love with you." I say honestly.

I'm one hundred and fen percent sure that I'm in love with this kid. I can't even see my life with out him.

Yeah I can actually, but its just me being depressed.

Or dying from a broken heart because that can actually happen.

"I'm so in love with you," He says pressing his lips against mine as he leans over me.

I felt like crying. Not because I'm sad, but because I'm loved by the only person I love this much.

The only person I've fallen this hard for, feels the same way and I feel so special to actauy have the love of my life, consider me the love of their life.

Its so mind blowing how love works though. Everyone is always searching for it, and is always trying to fall in love with the wrong people.

I never once thought Matthew and I would ever be more than friends.

I never thought he'd become the boy I fall in love with.

Its so unexpected, so maybe that's why nobody can really find love any more. Because they're expecting it to just happen when it doesn't.

They expect it to be love at first sight, like this little bell goes off when you see them but it doesn't work that way.

Maybe if people wouldn't search for love, they would be able to receive love.

I'm so grateful for Matthew. Not only because he's my boyfriend, and he's amazing.

But because he's also my best friend and with out him, I wouldn't get through each night.

I know the fight is what broke us apart and I'll never forget that fight, because its so vivid but I forgave him and look at us now.

We're in love...

"You're everything to me," He murmurs into my neck as he holds me close to him.

That night, we didn't have sex, no. We made love.

And I remembered our fight,


"Matt just leave before we get into a bigger fight, please." I beg him pushing on his chest trying to make him leave.

"No, I'm not fucking leaving. You always have this huge problem with any of the girls I'm talking to and I'm tried of it!" He yells in my face.

Small droplets of spit hitting my face because he was so close to me.

I hate fighting with him. So so much.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now