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5 Years Later

"Colton, you got to get up baby," I say sitting next to my sleeping sons body. "Its your first day of kindergarten,"

When I said that he opened his eyes and smiled wide. "I wasn't sleeping mommy! I was playin' with you!" He giggles as he hugs me.

"You're just like your dad," I laugh picking him up and walking into the bathroom with him on my hip. "Where'd you put your toothbrush?" I ask him as I sit him down on the counter.

"Daddy had it last night when I brushed me teeth," He tells me. "I don't know where he put it."

I looked through the drawers and finally found it in the medicine cabinet.

I hand it to him after getting it wet and putting tooth paste on it. "Daddy's gonna get you dressed this morning before he leaves for work," I tell him kissing his forehead.

"Yay! Daddy is fun," He grins. I simply nod and pull my hair up into a bun.

After he brushed his teeth and went potty as he calls it he sat on his bed. "Mommy, can I watch The Lion King after school with uncle Nash?" He asks me as I open his bedroom door, Matt on the other side.

"Let's call him and ask if he's free," I smile dialing Nash' number and handing the phone to Colton after putting it on speaker.

"Hey Colton," Nash greets knowing that Colton was calling because I never call Nash, I just text him.

"Uncle Nash! Hi! Can we watch the Lion King after school?!" Colton cheers happily as he jumps on his bed with my phone in his hand.

"We made the cutest kid ever," Matt grins pecking my lips.

"Yes! I've been wanting to watch The Lion King with you forever!" Nash says happily.

They have a bond like no other.

"Are you gonna be here when I get here?" Colton asks him.

"I'll pick you up from school!" Nash says.

That put the biggest smile on Coltons face. "Okay, love you uncle! Bye!" He says loudly, Nash telling he loves him too and Colton handing me my phone back with Nash still on the line.

"So you're picking him up from school?" I ask taking it off speaker and leaving the room so Matt can get to work on getting him dressed.

"Yeah if that's okay," He says.

"You already told him you would, so therefore you have too." I laugh. "I'll see you later, oh and can you bring over some Starbucks on your way? Please,"

"I was already planning on it, I'll get it after picking him up. He likes that chai tea right?" He asks.

"Yes, he does. Make sure to only get him a small because he's nuts on that. Thank you Nash," I smile before we bid our goodbyes and hang up.

"Daddy," Colton says following behind Matt downstairs, into the kitchen where I was currently getting Colton and Matt's breakfast ready. "Can we make my room like The Lion King?"

Colton has an obsession with The Lion King, but that's okay because I love that movie too.

"Anything for you bud," Matt says pushing Coltons chair in so he was close to the table. "I guess I'm taking off work today," Matt whispers in my ear as he takes his and Coltons plates from my hands.

"Yay, when we gonna do it?" Colton asks. "Thank you for this food mommy," He says blowing me a kiss.

"How about sometime this week? Mommy and I will do it for you," Matt smiles.

Fatal (Matthew Espinosa) editingWhere stories live. Discover now