Thanks For The Memories

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The thing that had surprised Rory about Logan more than anything was just how much he had stepped up for them. Their relationship, if you could call it that, had been less than friendly since the breakup but it was like that was all forgotten in an instant.

Before she had told Logan that she was pregnant, Rory had pretty much convinced herself that he would want nothing to do with her or the baby, but once she had made the final decision to go ahead with the pregnancy she knew that the first thing she had to do was tell Logan before she even thought about telling anybody else. Lorelai had made her an appointment with the doctor and everything had been confirmed – Rory had been surprised at the time to find out that she was already coming up to three months.

Flashback – May 2006

Rory stood outside the door of Logan's place – the apartment that they used to share until just a few months ago. She had never thought in a million years that she'd find herself back there but the situation being what it was, she felt like she had no other choice but to pull up her big girls pants and face things head on. She took a really deep breath before lifting her hand to knock at the door – a cycle that she had to repeat several times over before she finally found the courage to actually knock. She waited a few excruciating long moments before the door finally opened.

Logan was certainly surprised to see Rory stood in front of him. He had tried everything to get her back in the weeks that followed their break up. He had tried so hard to make her see things from his point of view but nothing had worked. Eventually, he had admitted defeat, he knew that it was pointless continuing to pursue her and since then he hadn't seen her in weeks – so he couldn't help but wonder what had brought her to be standing in front of him right now.

"Rory, is everything okay?" he asked.

Rory chewed on her lip. In her head, she had rehearsed her lines over and over but now that she was stood right in front of him, they'd vanished clear out of her mind. She cleared her throat.

"Erm, yeah, well no not really. Erm, Can I come in?" she stumbled over her words.

"Sure," he said as he opened the door wider to let her through.

Rory walked into the apartment to find Colin and Finn sitting on the sofa playing on the Xbox – it wasn't quite the scenario that she had been hoping for.

"Hey Rory, fancy seeing you here," Colin said as he looked up from the game.

She smiled weakly and turned to look at Logan, making a silent plea with her eyes. Fortunately, he knew her well enough to pick up on what she was trying to say to him.

"Erm guys, do you think you could give us a few minutes?" Logan said to his friends.

Colin and Finn took the hint and nodded. "We'll be at the pub"

"Okay, I'll see you there in a bit," Logan said as they left the apartment.

As his friends walked out, Logan turned to look at Rory expectantly. "Did you want something in particular?" he asked her.

She was a little taken aback by the coldness in his tone though she knew it was to be expected. She had spent weeks avoiding and ignoring him. Rory took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "I think you had probably better sit down for this."

"Why?" he looked at her stubbornly.

"Logan, please" she begged.

Obligingly, he sighed and took a seat on the sofa while she walked over to the window to keep a safe distance from him.

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