To Be Jolly

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A few days later, Christmas Eve arrived in all its festive glory and Logan turned up at Rory's apartment, as arranged, to be greeted at the door by a very over-excited Ava who was bouncing up and down with a pair of jingling reindeer antlers attached to her head.

"Daddy you're just in time! We're going to put out the cookies and the milk and the carrots and the stockings and...."

Logan laughed at the speed his daughter was talking – along with her captivating blue eyes and incredible ability to eat massive amounts of junk food; it was just another fascinating trait that she had inherited from her mother.

"Come on Daddy," Ava said pulling him into the living room.

"Hi" Rory looked up from where she was sitting on the floor doing some last minute present wrapping while listening to Christmas carols.

"Hi" Logan smiled.

He looked at Rory. She was completely relaxed, in her Christmas sweater, hair pulled back in a loose ponytail and her own head adorned with matching antlers. All he could think was that she'd never looked more beautiful.

"Here," she said as she tossed him his own set of reindeer antlers. "You're not part of the gang if you're not wearing those" she smiled.

"Daddy, put them on" Ava giggled.

Logan obliged and stuck the antlers on his head. "There, how do I look?"

"Silly" Ava giggled again. "Daddy? Shall I show you where we put the cookies?" she said grabbing hold of Logan's hand.

Rory couldn't help but smile as Ava pointed out everything to Logan. Of course, he'd been here at Christmas before and he'd known exactly where Rory left the glass of milk but he was only too happy humor Ava and let her drag him around.

"You know, Ava, it's almost time for bed," Rory said as she pulled her little girl down onto her lap. "Now, do you want mommy or daddy to read you the story tonight?"

Ava put her finger to her lip and thought very carefully. "I want mommy AND daddy," she said with a smile.

"Of course you do" Rory smiled and rolled her eyes at Logan. "Come on then, lead the way madam," she said as she got up off the floor.

Ava got into her new Christmas pyjamas and snuggled down under her covers. "Mommy, you lie down with me and daddy can read us the story. I like to listen to daddy."

"If you insist," she said handing Logan the book with a smile. "Looks like it's your turn."

It had become Rory and Ava's annual tradition to read "The Night Before Christmas" every Christmas Eve but it seemed like this year, Logan was going to have to step into the breach and actually, he didn't mind one little bit, in fact, he loved being included in their little traditions.

Logan opened the book and began to read while Rory lay down next to her daughter on the bed.

"'Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro' the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;"

Before Logan had even got to the end of the book Ava's eyes were starting to get heavy and Rory figured if she lay there much longer herself she too would be drifting off. She had been feeling very soothed just lying there listening to Logan reading.

Rory got up off the bed and stretched. "Goodnight sweetie, I'll see you in the morning," she said as she kissed Ava on the cheek and left Logan to say his own goodnight to their daughter.

Logan leaned over and pulled up the covers "Now remember Ava, you have to get lots of sleep tonight as Santa can't come if you're still awake."

"Okay daddy" Ava nodded "You'll be here when I wake up though won't you"

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