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Later that week Rory got herself ready to go and meet with Ed Hunter, the editor-in-chief at the Hartford Courant, about the position that Logan had lined up for her. When she got there Ed, who was a fatherly man in his mid-fifties welcomed her warmly. She suspected that was partly in fact because of the circumstances in which she came to be there but he was also a genuinely nice man and she warmed to him immediately. After all the formalities were dealt with, they sat and had a casual chat over a coffee to get to know each other a little better.

"I don't want to get all personal but, I have to and Logan..." Ed trailed off.

Rory knew she was going to get questions like this. "It's fine. We're not together, he's not my... I mean he was once but that was back when we were at college..." she rambled and figured she should just cut to the chase. "We have a daughter, Ava, she's three."

Ed nodded. "Logan mentioned that you and he had a daughter."

"I hope this doesn't make things weird, I really don't want to be treated any different to any other employee. I don't really have any sort of relationship with the Huntzbergers, other than Logan that is. I mean, obviously, I already have been treated differently by Logan as he's helped me to get this job but the main reason I am here is that I just really love writing and I want to work and I just couldn't find anything." Rory stopped to take a breath, fully aware that she was rambling once again.

"It must be pretty hard being a single mom" Ed acknowledged.

Rory was a little taken aback by his comment although she knew that he meant nothing by it. It was just that she had never really considered herself to be a 'single mom' but yes, to all intent and purposes, when it came down to it, that's exactly what she was. She supposed that she'd always had in the back of her mind that one day Logan would more than likely meet someone, marry, settle down and have more children and she fully expected that when that time arrived, her and Ava would drop way down the list of priorities – and that would be when she'd really find out what it was to be solely responsible for their child.

"Yeah, it is hard sometimes" she nodded "and I am really grateful to both you and Logan for giving me the chance here."

"You don't have to worry about anything Rory – Logan shared some of your work when he came in to see me. He waxed lyrical about your writing so I know you're here on your own merit and not purely because of who you know." Ed said kindly.

"Thanks" Rory smiled.

Ed returned the smile. "So how soon can you start?"

"When do you want me?" Rory asked.


Rory walked out of the newspaper offices with a newfound spring in her step. She was really excited about starting her new job and she really liked the editor-in-chief Ed which was a great start. Ed had been more than reasonable and agreed to let her work around Ava and build up her hours slowly while she was finding her feet and regaining her confidence in the workplace.

However, the conversation about being a single mom still played heavily on her mind. She'd always had a few deep-rooted fears but she'd been thinking things over more and more and she wondered whether she should talk to Logan about it. She almost felt like she needed more certainty, a guarantee that Logan would remain part of Ava's life, come what may. She sat on a nearby bench and pulled out her cell phone.

"Hey kiddo, how did the meeting go?" Lorelai said when she answered her cell phone.

"Good, it was really good. I'm going to be starting next week, I can't wait to get stuck in." Rory said. "it's going to be great to be writing again."

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