Worries and Woes

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The next morning after a restless night's sleep Rory headed into work. When she arrived at the Courant offices she could sense that everyone had been gossiping as she walked in, and she knew that most likely it was about her. Something that was confirmed when she sat down at her desk next to Becky.

"So...Huntzberger junior is your new boyfriend?" Becky asked with a raised eyebrow. "How did you land him? I hear he's been an eligible bachelor for quite some time now..."

Rory wasn't really sure how to answer the question but before she could even open her mouth to speak Becky continued.

"Have you been to his parent's house? I heard that they live in a massive mansion here in Hartford. Ooh, do you know his father – THE Mitchum Huntzberger? You'll get a promotion here for sure." Becky rambled on. "You have a daughter right? Has she met him?"

Rory took a deep breath, wondering which question Becky wanted to tackle first.

"Rory?" Becky prompted.

She put her pen down and smiled sweetly at Becky. "Yes, Logan and I are together. I didn't 'land' him, we went to college together, we first met when I was nineteen. Yes, I've been to his parent's house many times and yes I do know THE Mitchum Huntzberger but I very much doubt that fact will lead me to a promotion anytime soon" Rory took a breath from her rant and noticed her other colleagues were listening in with interest. "And yes, Logan has met my daughter. In fact, the first time Logan met Ava was when she took her very first breath because she happens to be his daughter too. Does that answer all your questions?" she snapped back at Becky.

Becky looked at Rory a little stunned and without saying a word, she swivelled her chair around to carry on with her work. Rory looked up and the rest of her colleagues suddenly busied themselves, embarrassed that they got caught gossiping and listening in and suddenly very aware that Rory had influence. Nobody else said anything more to Rory that morning. They were all a little taken aback at Rory's outburst as she was normally so reserved. They were also surprised to learn that the unassuming part-time features writer was dating one of the most eligible men on the Eastern seaboard.

When lunchtime rolled around, she decided to step outside to get some fresh air and catch up with Logan.

Logan looked at the caller ID and answered the call. "Hey Ace, how are you?"

"Hey," she said a little wearily.

"What's the matter?" Logan said. He could sense that something was up.

"Oh it's just been a bad morning at the office, I needed to hear a friendly voice that's all" she smiled a little.

"I love that you call me when you're having a bad day" Logan smiled.

"I'm sorry, are you busy?" Rory said.

"No, I mean I really do love it. I like being the person you come to when you need cheering up. So what's bothering you?" Logan asked.

"Oh," Rory smiled. "I was just getting a bit fed up with Hartford's gossip hounds. The questions fired at me this morning were incessant."

"Well, it is a newsroom, you should expect a little gossip, they're pros." he laughed.

"Oh I do, but I would just prefer to be the gossiper rather than the gossipee" Rory smiled.

"Look, I'm out of the office all day today, stuck in meetings, but why don't you come over to mine for dinner tonight? I'll cook something nice and I can help you relax. What do you say?"

"I know what your idea of relaxing involves Huntzberger and I'm not sure it's child-friendly," she said as she reminded him that she'd have Ava in tow.

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