It's Complicated

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Rory walked back into the Hartford Courant for the first time since Christmas. She was still working up to taking on a bigger role so she'd managed to take a decent amount of time off over the Christmas and New Year break to be with Ava.

As she was sat her desk that morning, her colleague Becky, who was a major gossip was keen to talk about the holidays. Rory, on the other hand, would have much rather have said nothing at all, as she wasn't exactly keen to flaunt her new relationship around the office quite yet.

"Hey, Rory, did you have a nice Christmas and New Year? What did you do?" Becky asked sweetly.

"I did thank you, I mainly spent it with my family" Rory smiled politely. "Did you have a nice time?"

"Ugh," Becky said "Not really, lots of dull family parties and not even a hint of a man to kiss under the mistletoe. Thoroughly disappointing. Say, you're single aren't you Rory? I mean you're not dating anyone at the moment? We should totally go out soon, try and find ourselves some hot guys." Becky said pulling her diary out of her bag "Let's make a date right now!"

"Oh well, I..." Rory stammered, wondering how she was going to extract herself from this. A night out with Becky was not high on her list of things to do, not now, not ever. "Well, the thing is, I'm not actually single." Rory inwardly cringed. She hated talking about her personal life at work at the best of times and that applied even more now that she was dating Logan.

"You're not?" Becky looked at her with interest "I thought you said..."

"It's new" Rory smiled. "But I really don't want to talk about it too much, you know, I just don't want to jinx it" she whispered. She needed to say anything to get Becky off her back.

"Understood," Becky said tapping her nose.

They went back to their work but Rory was a little distracted as she sat and tried to concentrate on the article she was trying to draft. When she had taken the job she had told Ed, the editor-in-chief, that there was nothing going on with Logan but now that the situation had changed, she kind of felt that she needed to be upfront and honest with her editor about the potential conflict of interest, as she really liked working with him.

She stood outside Ed's office and tapped lightly at the door.

"Yes?" Ed called "Oh Rory," he said, "What can I do for you?"

"I just wondered if I could have a quick word?" Rory said tentatively as she hovered by the door.

"Sure, come in". Ed sat back in his chair and looked at her "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine" she paused "It's just...I really want to be honest with you."

"Okay..." Ed said intrigued. He could tell that Rory was a bit nervous about whatever it was she wanted to say.

"Well you know that I have a child, Ava and you know that her father is Logan Huntzberger...." she trailed off.

Ed nodded. He was only too well aware that she was linked to the Huntzbergers. As much as she didn't want to be treated differently, he was a little wary, knowing that ultimately the Huntzbergers were responsible for his paycheck at the end of the month. The last thing he wanted to do was get on the wrong side of one of them.

"And when I started here told you that there was nothing between us, and at the time that was absolutely correct but well, we kind of reconciled over the holidays," she said. "I know this isn't exactly relevant to my work here and you're probably wondering why I am foisting my private life on you at all, but I guess I thought that it was only prudent to let you know that I am actually now dating the bosses son." Rory grimaced.

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