Friends and Favors

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Over the next couple of weeks, Logan went on a few more casual dates with Sarah. He wasn't sure if it was something that was actually going to go anywhere but he enjoyed her company and he had to admit he was having fun. He'd thought a lot about his conversation he'd had with Steph, wondering whether Rory had said anything to her to make her react so negatively about his date but he figured it was probably best just to let sleeping dogs lie. He avoided talking to Rory about Sarah though he knew she was fully away that they had been seeing each other.

Rory tried to push Logan's dating out of her mind as much possible. She believed it really was nothing to do with her, so she attempted to focus her mind on other things and tried to get her own life in order. What she really needed was a job. Ava would soon be starting school and Rory felt that she needed to move her life on and that would maybe stop her dwelling on the past so much. Logan was moving forward and it's what she needed to do too.

The only area Rory really felt she was struggling with in her life, other than her non-existent love life, was her lack of career prospects. Having a successful career in journalism was what she had been working towards for years and she felt that when she had become pregnant it had been cruelly snatched away from her. Not that she would change her life with Ava for anything but professionally, she felt very unfulfilled.

Rory had worked so hard to make sure that she graduated from Yale. Her grandparents Richard and Emily wanted to see her achieve her goal too and so they had helped her out as much as possible, even employing a nanny to take care of Ava when Rory needed to go to class or study. She had graduated over a year ago but as yet hadn't managed to find a job that fitted in with her life and more importantly, her daughter. When she heard that the Huntzberger Publishing Group had bought the Hartford Courant she decided to seize the moment and finally ask Logan to help her.

"Hey hey hey," Rory said exuberantly as Ava bounded through the door after a trip to the park with Logan. "Have fun?"

"We had a lot of fun, didn't we Ava." Logan smiled.

"Who had the most fun?" Rory teased.

"Daddy! He went on the big boy swing" Ava giggled.

"The big boy swing!" Rory pretended to gasp in shock "And who pushed him?' she said with her hand on her hip.

"Me" Ava said proudly before she skipped off merrily towards her bedroom.

"Wow, the big boy swing Logan? That was brave of you." she teased.

"Ava insisted" Logan rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I'll just go say goodbye to her and then I'll get out of your way..."

"Actually Logan, do you mind staying for a moment so I can talk to you about something?" Rory asked.

"Sure" Logan looked at Rory. She looked a little nervous and he wondered what it was she wanted to talk about. He followed her into the living room. "What's the matter?"

Rory fiddled with her hands. "This really isn't easy for me to ask you this, I hate doing this but...I really want to get a job."

"Okay..." Logan said. Of all the things he'd imagined she had wanted to talk about it really was not what he had been expected.

"And I really don't want to do it this way but I've looked and I'm never going to find a job that will offer me the flexibility I need. I'm not in a position to take a full-time job while Ava is little and well I wondered if you might be able to help find me something. Possibly at the Courant, as it's local?" Rory rambled.

Logan smiled "Of course I can help you. What is it that you want specifically?"

"Just a part-time writing gig. It's not really about the money, I just want something to focus my mind on."

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