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"Hey, loinfruit" Lorelai pulled open the door with a big smile.

"Hi Mom" Rory smiled. "How was Ava last night? Did she sleep okay?"

"She was as good as gold as usual. How was your date night?" Lorelai asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

Rory nodded "Oh it was good, it was fine."

"Downgraded from good to fine in less than three seconds – there's a story there somewhere - spill" Lorelai demanded.

Rory rolled her eyes. "Can I at least have a cup of coffee first? Where is Ava anyway?" she said looking around for her daughter.

"Oh, she's over at Luke's diner right now. He promised her a stack of chocolate chip pancakes with cream and cherries if she went straight to sleep last night and she delivered on her side of the bargain, so now it's his turn" Lorelai smiled.

"Bribing my daughter? Nice work. I bet Luke is hating having to give in to junk though" Rory laughed. It had always been Luke's mission in life to make the Gilmore girls eat more healthily and he hated it that Ava had picked up their bad habits.

"So, come on what's the matter?" Lorelai asked. "Talk to momma."

"There is nothing the matter really it's just that last night...Logan kind of asked me to live with him. Or for him to live with us maybe. I'm not entirely sure where we would live now come to think about it, I didn't ask." Rory said puzzled.

"Whoa, that's a really big step kid," Lorelai said with her eyes open wide.

"Yeah, it is" Rory sighed. "And that's the problem."

Lorelai cocked her head to one side. "You don't want to live with him?"

"No, I mean, no, it's not that I don't want to...I actually really love the idea in theory" Rory said "Logan is great, he's amazing with Ava and I know that things would be good but...oh, I just don't know. Ugh, can't you just tell me what to do mom?"

"Oh Rory, you know I can't tell you what to do, I try really hard to not get involved in your life decisions – that has bitten me quite firmly on the ass before, but what I will say is that at some point, if this is the relationship you want to be in, you're going to have to move forward. Plus, you've already lived together, so there are no surprises there..." Lorelai reasoned.

"But that was a really long time ago and a lot has changed since then. I mean, now we have Ava which kind of makes everything more complicated" Rory said.

"How so?" Lorelai asked.

"Well, what if we do this – we go all in and we start living together. What happens if we break up a few months down the line? That would break my heart but it would destroy Ava. She loves Logan so much. I'd hate to put her through so much pain."

"Are you intending to break up?" Lorelai asked.

"Well...no" Rory rolled her eyes.

"So what is the point in worrying about something that might never happen?" Lorelai shrugged. "By being afraid to take the next step and trying to protect Ava from getting hurt you're also preventing both you and her from experiencing something that could be pretty wonderful."

Rory looked at her mom thoughtfully. She was surprised that Lorelai seemed to be so much on Logan's side on this.

"Rory it's easy to overthink things but when it comes to love? Sometimes, it can't be rationalized. It's just one giant honking leap of faith hun."


Logan sat at home with this coffee, stewing over the events of the night before. Had he really judged things that wrong with Rory? He hadn't thought so. After their conversation at dinner, he was pretty sure that she would be receptive to the idea. Driving himself crazy with his thoughts, he decided to call Honor to talk it over and get a girl's perspective.

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