One Big Party

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The event at the Huntzberger mansion had been in full swing for a few hours and Logan had successfully faced the hurdle of introducing Sarah to his family and friends. Honor had been curt yet friendly enough though she couldn't see for the life of her why he had brought Sarah and not Rory who would always be more like family than whatever flavor of the month was hanging around on Logan's arm.

While Logan felt moderately happy, he still just kind of had the feeling that something was missing. As much as he liked Sarah, something just wasn't right. He was mulling through this thoughts while nursing a glass of scotch on the balcony when Honor came out to look for him.

"Hey," he said as he turned to look at her.

Honor smiled lightly. "Hey Logan, you really need to come and see Ava, she doesn't look very well and she's asking for Rory."

"Where is she?" Logan asked with concern.

"She's with mom right now." Honor said.

Logan went inside to see his daughter. Ava was sitting on a chair next to Shira and was looking more than a little peaky.

"Hey princess, what's the matter," Logan said crouching down to be at her level.

"I don't feel very well daddy," she said quietly.

Logan put his hand on his daughter's head. "No, you do feel a little warm sweetie, let's take your cardigan on, that will help," he said unbuttoning her. "Have you had a drink of water?" he asked.

Ava nodded and started to cry a little. She looked at Logan with her blue eyes –complete carbon copies of her mothers – when Rory flashed those eyes at him they always hit his weak spot and it seemed his daughter had inherited the same power.

"Hey, no tears baby," he said scooping her up in his arms and sitting back down with her on his lap.

"I want my mommy," she said through tiny sobs.

"Logan, do you want me to go call Rory" Honor asked.

"No, it's okay, I better do it, can you just sit with her for a minute?" he asked.

"Sure" Honor said as she lifted Ava off Logan's lap.

Logan stroked his little girls head. "Ava, Aunty Honor is going to sit with you, while I just go call mommy okay?"


"Hello?" Rory said as she absentmindedly answered the phone. She had been buried deep in a book and hadn't stopped to look at the caller ID.

"Rory, it's me," Logan said.

"Logan? Is everything okay?" Rory was surprised to hear from him as she knew that they should be at the party right now.

"Yeah, well, no. Everything is okay, but I thought I should let you know that Ava is not feeling very well, she's running a fever."

"Oh, she seemed fine earlier. Not to worry, I'll just and come fetch her" Rory said.

"No, you don't need to do that, she'll be fine here," Logan said.

"At a party?" Rory said, "I don't think so."

"She'll be fine Rory, she can go lie down in my old room for a little bit and if she gets worse I'll leave and take her back to my place."

"I'm sure she is fine Logan, but if it's all the same to you, I'd think I'd prefer her to be at home with me," Rory said firmly.

Logan felt irritated. "Rory... I know what I am doing"

Rory sighed "I never said you didn't but I want her here, she's my daughter, I'm coming to get her okay."

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