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As soon as Rory hit the deck, the bridal consultant that had been following her out of the room screamed loudly. Outside of the dressing room, the three women waiting heard the commotion and Lorelai looked at Emily and Shira for a moment as they all wondered what on earth was going. It was only a few seconds before they heard the consultant calling for them urgently. Lorelai jumped up off her seat and ran as quickly as she could into the dressing room.

"Oh, my God what happened," Lorelai said as she looked down at Rory lying on the floor surrounded by tulle. "Mom, MOM!" she shouted "call 911, now!" she said as she crouched down next to her daughter.

"What Lorelai? Oh!" Emily said as she walked into the room and looked down at a passed out Rory lying on the floor.

"Mom!" Lorelai shouted.

"Right, right" Emily pulled out her cell phone and quickly dialled 911, telling the handler on the end of the line what the situation was and where they were. It didn't take too long for the ambulance to get there and while Rory had started to regain consciousness while they were waiting, she was quickly whisked her off to the hospital to be thoroughly checked over.

"Does one of you want to come with her in the ambulance?" the paramedic asked as they were getting into the vehicle.

"You go with Rory mom, I had better call Logan and let him know what is going on. I'll follow on in a minute in my car." Lorelai said to Emily.

"Alright," Emily said as she picked up her bag.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Shira asked nervously. She felt a little out of place amidst all the drama.

"Oh...no...I don't think so" Lorelai said "but thanks," she said as she pulled her cell phone out of her bag. She dialled Logan's number but there was no answer. She tried again but it just went to his voicemail service again.

"Dammit Logan," she said in frustration as she snapped her cell phone shut.

"You could maybe try his secretary" Shira suggested quietly "She'll probably know where he is."

"Right...do you have the number?" Lorelai asked.

Shira shook her head. "I'll call Mitchum," she said as she got her own phone out of her bag. She waited impatiently for her husband to answer the call.

"Mitchum, it's me. Do you know where Logan is?" Shira said when Mitchum finally answered the call.

"Yeah, he's in a meeting downstairs with some of our investors. Why?" Mitchum asked, sounding irritated by the interruption from his wife.

"I really need you to go get him now, it's Rory," Shira said.

"Shira" Mitchum sighed "What now? Can this not wait...I'm not going to interrupt his meeting just so you can..." he was stopped in his tracks when Shira interrupted him raising her voice.

"MITCHUM! Rory has been taken to the hospital. I need you to get Logan and tell him that he needs to go to Hartford Hospital now!" Shira yelled.

Lorelai looked at Shira and smiled encouragingly. She was seeing a whole new side to this woman and right now she didn't hate it one little bit.

"What?! Okay, okay, I'm going. He'll be there as soon as possible" Mitchum said to his wife.

Mitchum ended the call and immediately went to fetch Logan out of the conference room and told him what was going on. Logan raced out to his car and drove to the hospital as fast as he could, breaking all speed limits in his rush to get to Rory. When he arrived he quickly found his way to the women's health department where Lorelai and Emily were stood in the waiting area.

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