Talking It Over

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After all the final guests had left her apartment, Rory was busy tidying up and wiping down the kitchen surfaces when Lorelai walked into the kitchen and looked at her.

"What the hell was that all about Rory?" Lorelai said standing glaring at her daughter with one hand on her hip.

Rory stopped what she was doing and closed her eyes tightly. She had known that this confrontation was coming but she still wasn't ready to get into an argument with her mom about it.

"Where's Ava?" she turned to her mom and asked.

"She's playing in the living room," Lorelai said as she leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Okay," Rory said.

"So?" Lorelai questioned.

"It was was just ... we were talking and things got a little bit out of hand" Rory said brushing her hair out of her face self-consciously.

"Damn right it got out of hand! His girlfriend was right outside the room Rory! Not to mention a room full of your friends and family. You were lucky it was me that walked in" Lorelai shook her head. "Although that image is going to be firmly burned into my retinas for all time."

"Nothing happened, we were just kissing." Rory sighed.

"You were practically having sex on the bed Rory," Lorelai said.

"You're overreacting, we weren't going to have sex..." Rory said.

"Rory you can't just play these games. Someone is going to get hurt! And I'm afraid, with Logan's track record it's going to be you. Or even worse, it will be Ava. Don't forget about your daughter in all of this" Lorelai said.

"Of course I won't!" Rory snapped. She felt irritated by her mom, who had seemingly forgotten all the times she herself had got into messy situations with Rory's dad Christopher. "Look you clearly don't understand and I don't expect you to..."

Lorelai scoffed at her daughter's words. "Oh, I understand pretty well Rory. I've been where you are and it didn't end well, believe me."

"Ugh, mom! I am not you. Logan is not dad! Look can we just drop this subject?"

"Fine" Lorelai put her hands up. "I've got to get going anyway. I'll go and say goodbye to Ava".

Rory leaned back against the counter. Her head was buzzing and she really needed to talk to this all over with someone. She picked up her phone and sent a message to Steph asking her to come over as soon as she could.


"Hey, Ror, I'm really sorry I couldn't make the party – I couldn't get away from work at all. Where's the birthday girl?" Steph said looking around the apartment.

"Hopefully fast asleep, she was worn out." Rory said "and I need some girl time. Wine?" she said as she poured herself a large glass.

"Fill me up!" Steph said holding out an empty glass. "What's the matter? How did the party go today what with Logan here and all?" she asked.

"Well, that's what I need to talk to you about," Rory said.

"Oh?" Steph said slightly intrigued.

"So, everything was going okay, it was all very civil but I got a little overwhelmed and I just needed a little moment to myself, then Logan came to find me and...well, there's no good way to say this...we kind of made out." Rory said covering her mouth with her hands as soon as she said it.

"Today? At your daughters 4th birthday party? You absolute deviants." Steph said gleefully. "Well, that is definitely a development I wasn't expecting!"

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