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That night, after their friends had all crashed out in the guest rooms, Logan lay in bed next to Rory thinking about the question that Steph had thrown at them downstairs. At the time, he hadn't really been sure of a way to answer the question without perhaps freaking Rory out in some way and he couldn't help but notice the way that Rory had blushed and fidgeted awkwardly. He'd felt a little bad for her and hoped that she didn't think the reason that he hadn't answered Steph was that he didn't want to marry her because that really couldn't be further from the truth.

He thought back to when he had originally approached the subject with her at the restaurant. She had seemed surprised that he had brought it up and though she had openly admitted that it was not really something she had ever seen in her future, she had never actually said that she didn't want to get married one day. That had given him some quiet hope. And now they were getting settled in their new house – their new home together. Logan was pretty sure that the time was now right to pop the question. He wanted Rory to know that this – what they were doing - was for keeps and more than anything else, he just wanted to be able to call her his wife.

Logan looked across at Rory sleeping peacefully next to him; her soft brown curls fanned out on the pillow and smiled. They were so completely perfect for each other in every way possible, they just...fit. He knew that even if he searched for a million years he'd never find another woman like her. Asking her to marry him was the next natural step and he resolved to do it as soon as possible.


The next day they sat around eating breakfast with their friends, nursing various stages of a hangover. Rory looked over at Logan who was stood on the other side of the kitchen. She could tell that there was something on his mind; he'd been a bit off since they'd woke up in bed that morning. Half of her wondered whether it was just the after effects of too much scotch last night but she couldn't help but feel it was something more. She walked over to where he was stood at the kitchen counter preparing a fresh batch of coffee and she slid her arms around his waist.

"Hey, is everything okay?" she asked as she squeezed into him.

Logan twisted around to look at her "Everything's fine" he said, "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, you're just a little quiet this morning, that's all. Something on your mind?" she questioned carefully.

"Nothing for you to worry about," he said with a smile as he kissed her on the top of the head. "Have we got more coffee?"

"In the pantry" she gestured.

Logan walked over and pulled down the door handle before Finn shouted at him from across the room.

"Hey Logan, be careful, last time I opened that door I got more than I bargained for mate" he laughed.

Rory leaned over the kitchen island and whipped Finn with the tea towel.

"Oww, blimey mate, she's kinky your girlfriend" Finn laughed "I didn't know you were into all that BDSM stuff. Do it again Rory" he said as he bent over.

Logan laughed and shook his head as he went into the pantry to fetch the coffee beans. Rory was laughing with her friends but kept her eye trained on him as she watched him carefully. It didn't matter what he said to her, she knew that there was something going on with him. He'd barely said a word to anyone since they had got out of bed.

Eventually, their friends all started to head home and soon it was just Rory and Logan left in the house. They were busy tidying up the kitchen after last night's party and the breakfast they'd hosted this morning. Rory loved having a big house and a big kitchen but only a week in, it was proving to be a lot of upkeep. She was already thinking of taking up Emily's idea of getting a housekeeper.

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