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Logan had been pretty much omnipresent in the lives of Rory and Ava since their precious baby girl had first made her entrance into the world a couple of days late back in December 2006. While he had been around to support her throughout her pregnancy, Rory had been absolutely adamant that she didn't want Logan to be present at the birth, to her it had seemed way too intimate for a couple that were no longer together. She did however backtrack on this and towards the end of her labor she'd had a mini-freakout and a massive change of heart resulting in Lorelai having to make a last minute call and Logan having to make a mad dash to be by her side. He had got there just in time to see their daughter arrive in the world, all pink and screaming, and to witness her taking her first breath was something he knew he would never forget. It had been one of the most special moments of their lives.

Flashback – December 2006

"It's pretty incredible that we made that huh," Logan said as he peered into the crib next to the side of Rory's bed.

"Did you just call my daughter 'that'?" Rory raised an eyebrow.

Logan laughed "She needs a name"

"Agreed" Rory smiled, "I thought about this a lot while I was pregnant and I really like Ava," she said nervously. "Ava Victoria"

"Ava Victoria" Logan repeated out loud. "I like it" he nodded.

"You do?" Rory said slightly surprised. She had been prepared to have a lengthy discussion with Logan about the name and hadn't expected him to be on board with is straightaway.

"Ava Victoria...Gilmore?" Logan asked, "I mean, I presume that you'll want her to be Gilmore."

Rory nodded awkwardly "Yeah, she's going to be Gilmore. Is that okay? It's just...I don't really want to have a different name to my daughter and we're not together so..."

"It's fine" Logan shrugged. He would have loved for his daughter, his first child, to take his name but it was not something that he was going to push for. He understood Rory's reasons completely.

An awkward moment of silence hung in the air but right on cue, baby Ava started to fuss and cry and Logan leaned over into the crib to gently pick her up.

"Do you think she's hungry?" he asked Rory.

Rory looked at him and shrugged "I have no idea, I have no idea what I am doing at all!"

Logan carefully passed their daughter across to Rory who positioned herself in the way the nurse had shown her so that she could comfortably feed her baby. As she placed Ava at her breast and the baby began to suckle, she relaxed a little. Trying to get to grips with breastfeeding was one of the things that had made her the most anxious. Logan looked at his ex-girlfriend feeding their tiny new baby and he felt a little awestruck. He also felt a little like a spare part and somehow it seemed that he was intruding on what should be a private moment.

"I guess I'll just leave you to it," he said as he got up from the side of the bed where he was perched.

"You don't have to go Logan" Rory laughed "You've seen my boobs plenty of times. Hell, you just saw a fully formed human being exit my body...I think the time for being coy is officially over."

"Don't remind me" Logan grimaced "That was like a scene out of a scary movie. Best contraception ever. I may never go near a woman ever again" he joked.

Rory smiled weakly, his words, unintentionally, were bringing home to her the fact that this was not her boyfriend she was talking to, he didn't belong to her.

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