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When Rory and Steph arrived at the bar, the others were already there and the drinks were definitely in free flow. It wasn't too long before they were all laughing and chatting just like their old college days and after a few too many margaritas, Rory was starting to feel more than a little tipsy. She was just standing by the bar and getting herself a refill when a friendly looking guy approached her. He introduced himself as Tom and after they had chatted for a little while, he asked her if she'd like to dance.

Rory looked at him, he was very good looking and there was definitely something very attractive about him. Why not, she thought as she took a sip of her drink. Maybe it was time to be a little more open-minded and a lot more sociable. She figured she had absolutely nothing to lose so she took the hand he offered and let him lead her out onto the dance floor.

"Oh look, Rory's found herself a man" Juliet giggled and the rest of the gang looked up to where Rory was dancing with her new friend.

"I didn't think it would be too long before she scored, man she looks damn hot tonight," Finn said "If Logan wasn't one of my best friends, I reckon I'd have a good crack at her myself" he laughed.

Rory was wearing an incredibly short skirt, which showed off her long slender legs, and the heels she was wearing only accentuated them further. It was totally not her style but she'd had felt like being a little more daring when she was getting ready to go out.

"She is looking pretty fine" Colin agreed "Who knew she had those legs!" he raised an eyebrow.

"I think Logan did" Steph giggled.

Out on the dance floor, Rory was really enjoying herself with Tom – over the next few songs, they flirted and danced close to each other. For the first time in ages, Rory felt like she was able to let loose and act her age – she was still young after all but had been forced to grow up fast and she was enjoying this feeling of being free – she was also enjoying the feeling of being desired. So much so, that when Tom leaned in to kiss her, she decided to throw caution to the wind and let him.

"Oh, my life!" Juliet squealed "Rory is totally making out with that guy over there."

They all turned around to look and sure enough, there was Rory getting pretty hot and heavy at the side of the dance floor with her new-found friend.

They watched as Tom moved in to kiss her and Rory responded keenly by wrapping her arms around his waist as he had rested one hand on the small of her back and the other on her ass. He maneuvered her so she was between the wall and him before leaning down to whisper something in her ear. Whatever it was he had said to her, she obviously liked and she just tilted her head and let him kiss her on the neck. As he did this his hands moved up her body and brushed over her breasts before sliding back down her body. Rory turned her head towards his and they kissed each other more passion than before.

"Wow, just look at them go. I've got to say, Logan was a lucky boy" Finn smirked.

"Oh, I feel really quite awkward watching this" Colin said. "Should we intervene in some way?"

"Why should we intervene!" Steph said. "She's young, free and single. I don't think she needs a babysitter, Colin."

"But...Logan...?" Colin said.

"She's not with him!" Steph rolled her eyes. "Oh she's only letting off steam, those two will work it out together eventually. Let her have some fun. Besides, this is Logan we're talking about, I'm pretty sure he's not just holding hands with his new girlfriend if you know what I mean" she giggled.

"I can't believe you're encouraging this Steph," Finn said.

"Maybe it's just what needs to happen" she shrugged. Ultimately what Steph wanted was her two friends together but she liked to see Rory happy and enjoying herself, and maybe this would be the push or shove that was needed to move her life on in one way or another.

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