The Time Is Now

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The morning of the wedding soon dawned. Rory had stayed over at the Dragonfly Inn with her mom while Logan had stayed at their home, spending his last night as a single man with his friends Colin and Finn. Honor had kindly offered to look after Ava for the night and she had planned a special evening of pampering for the both of them. Ava was so excited about having her first ever manicure with her Aunty Honor.

Rory woke up early that morning. She had resisted checking the time for as long as possible but after lying in the bed alone with her thoughts for what had felt like hours she turned to look at the clock and saw that it was 6.30am. Rory had tried to get back to sleep when she first woke up, but all it resulted in was a lot of tossing and turning. She was a complete bubbling melting pot of emotion – a mixture of excitement, nervousness, and anticipation. All she could really think about was the fact that in just a few short hours she would finally be marrying Logan, something that only a little while ago had seemed completely incomprehensible to her.

She lay in her bed for a little bit longer before deciding what she really needed to get herself going was a good cup of coffee – and today was no time to be drinking decaf, she figured one full-strength coffee wouldn't hurt. Rory threw her feet out of bed and pulled on her robe. She was just sitting on the edge of her bed when she heard a knock. She stood up and pulled open the door, fully expecting to see a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Lorelai standing there but instead there stood Logan with a smile on his face.

"Logan! What on earth are you doing here?" Rory said with surprise when she saw her fiancé stood outside her bedroom door.

"This," he said before he swept her up into his arms and pulled her into a passionate kiss which she couldn't help but respond to.

After a few moments, she pulled away and looked at him. "You do know that it's bad luck, right? To see the bride before the wedding..."

"Aww come on, you know I don't believe in all that superstitious crap" he smiled at her.

She smiled back "Good, me neither," she said before they kissed each other again.

"I just wanted one last kiss with Rory Gilmore before you finally became a Huntzberger" he winked at her.

"Oh! Don't remind me, I might change my mind" she teased. "And technically that was two last kisses..."

"Well, how about a third?" Logan said deciding to try his luck.

They kissed again, only this time with more urgency, their tongues exploring each other's mouths. Rory knew that she was going to have to find the willpower to break away from Logan or else the situation was going to escalate quite quickly.

"Right mister, that's your lot, now get out of here before my mother sees you" she warned.

"I'll see you soon?" he turned back to look at her.

"You betcha," she winked with a smile.

As Logan left the room and she closed the door behind him, it suddenly dawned on Rory that the next time she would see him would be when they were taking their vows. The thought made her heart do a little leap and she just couldn't wait.


Rory and Logan had decided to keep the wedding as intimate and romantic as possible with a real strong focus on celebrating with their family and friends. They invited around just sixty guests in total, and though it was difficult to narrow the list down, especially with the pressure heaped on them from their families, they had really wanted to keep the wedding to those people who had shared precious moments with them throughout their lives together.

"Lorelai, you've really outdone yourself," Logan said as he looked around outside at the area that had been planned for the wedding. "We'll never be able to thank you enough."

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