Oh Baby!

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While Logan was busy dealing with his parents and collecting the engagement ring, Rory had driven straight over to Honor's house to collect their daughter, however, when she had arrived there Rory discovered that Ava wasn't actually there.

"Hi, Rory" Honor said happily "Come in. Ava isn't here right now but she'll be back soon..."

Rory looked at Honor slightly puzzled. "Is she on a date?" she asked.

Honor smiled "She takes after her daddy in many ways, but thankfully her dating habits are not one of them" she winked. "She's out with Josh at the park around the corner. Actually, he's kind of doing me a favour, I asked him to take her as I wanted a chance to talk to you, in private."

"Oh?" Rory said, intrigued as to what Honor might want to talk to her about. She was a little bit tense in these situations because as much as she loved her, Honor was often quite forthright and spoke her mind when she felt it necessary.

"Yeah, well there are two things I wanted to talk about really. The first is just me being a nosy big sister really...I just wanted to know how are things going at the new house?" Honor asked.

Rory relaxed a little. "Oh, really well" she smiled. "I think it's the best decision we ever made!"

"Oh, that makes me super happy. It's such an amazing house and it's so big!" she exclaimed. "Lots of room for future Huntzberger babies. I mean, Gilmore babies....Oh, Gilmore-Huntzberger babies?" Honor said as she shook her head in confusion. "You know what I mean!" she laughed.

"Yes, there is plenty of room but I'm not sure we're at the point of adding any more to the next generation quite yet – even though everyone else seems to want us to!" Rory laughed. She couldn't believe how everyone seemed to have baby fever recently.

"Oh, sad. It would be awesome if you were pregnant though." Honor pouted.

"Why is that?" Rory laughed.

"Because I am pregnant!" Honor said excitedly "That's the second thing that I wanted to talk to you about."

"You're pregnant? Oh, Honor, that's wonderful news" Rory said as she jumped up to hug her.

Honor smiled. "Thank you. It's early days so we're not really telling anyone at the moment, but oh I'm just so nervous about it all, I needed to tell somebody!"

"Why are you so nervous? This is something you wanted right?" Rory asked. She'd always thought that Honor would make a fantastic mom and was only surprised that she'd never done it sooner.

"It's taken us so long to get here. We never really told anyone this but we've been trying to have a baby on and off since the wedding and we just didn't think it was going to happen for us. I had almost got to the point where I was becoming totally content with being Cool Aunty Honor and poof! I am pregnant" she said as she rested her hand on her tummy.

Rory looked at Honor. "I never knew that I'm sorry you have had struggles," she said sympathetically. "Oh! Does that mean I will be...."

"Cool Aunty Rory" Honor nodded with a smile.

"Oh!" Rory clasped her hand to her chest and welled up a bit. "I can't wait to be Aunty Rory," she said proudly. "Logan is going to be thrilled!"

"Will you let me tell him?" Honor asked.

"Of course I will, but you had better do it soon because I am going to be popping with excitement!" Rory laughed.

"It's so lovely to have you back as part of the family Rory." Honor smiled.

"Thanks" Rory smiled back.


After Logan had finished at his parent's house he decided to head straight over to Stars Hollow to do what he needed to do. He was nervous about facing Lorelai but he knew that above all else he needed to talk to her first about asking Rory to marry him. He just hoped that she would be on his side.

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