News Flash

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For the most part, Rory and Logan had managed to keep their news to themselves – they really wanted to get through their first doctor's appointment before they made any big announcements so Honor, Lane and Steph had been sworn to absolute secrecy. The two of them had existed in a little bubble of happiness since finding out that Rory was pregnant. Even though it hadn't exactly been on the cards, they'd known that more children were something they both wanted at some point and they truly were over the moon about it. It really was the cherry on top of what was turning out to be an amazing year.

A week later and they found themselves holding hands as Rory lay on the bed in the doctor's room. They were both excited to see their baby for the very first time and also it would give them some indication of just how far along into her pregnancy she was. They didn't have to wait too long, it was only a few moments before the little fuzzy image on the screen became clearer and they turned to each other and smiled.

"There's our baby!" Logan said as he picked up Rory's hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed it gently.

Rory felt her heart skip a beat as she smiled up at Logan. This moment was everything she had ever wanted. They'd been here before of course, and they both vividly remembered seeing Ava for the first time though the circumstances had been so different then. It had been a bittersweet experience because while they had been going through it together they weren't actually a couple. They were in a bad place and neither of them had any hope for the future. Now things were a whole lot different – and while the new baby was another unplanned pregnancy, they couldn't be happier with their life right now and were both feeling so grateful that they were getting to do it all again, this time together. Logan felt like the luckiest man alive to be getting a second chance with Rory and this time he would do anything in his power to make it stick.

"So, you're measuring at around eight weeks – does that sound right to you?" the doctor asked Rory.

"Erm, yeah I guess. I'm not entirely sure I forgot to get my shot so..." Rory said feeling a little bit like a naughty teenager.

"No problem, it happens. More often than you'd think." the doctor smiled "As I said, I'd put you at about eight weeks and everything is looking really good. Your baby is developing well. I'll print you a couple of images that you can take away with you today. Unless you have any problems in the meantime, I'll see you again in about a month. Make an appointment at the front desk on your way out."

Rory got herself tidied up and they collected their scan pictures on the way out of the clinic. As they got back into the car, Rory held the scan in her hands.

"I really can't believe we are having another baby" she smiled as she stared at the little tiny peanut shape on the image. "We should go tell Ava now!"

On their way to their doctor's appointment, they had dropped Ava off with her Aunty Honor while they went to their scan, so they swung back past there to collect her and take her out for a milkshake to tell her the – what they hoped she would see as good - news.

Rory was a little nervous about how Ava might react to being told about the new baby. She was very used to being an only child and the center of her parent's universe. They'd never really discussed siblings before so she was unsure of how Ava might feel about the arrival of a brother or sister in her life.

They sat down in the diner drinking their milkshakes. Rory looked up at Logan and he nodded encouragingly so she decided there was nothing to do other than just go for it.

"Ava, mommy and daddy have something really important to talk to you about" Rory smiled at her daughter.

Ava looked up at her parents. "What is it, mommy?"

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